FINALLY got my drysuit wet...

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Knoxville, TN
I have been so busy with work that I haven't had time to dive since I purchased my drysuit. Well, this past weekend I took it to the quarry.

I went with an instructor friend of mine, who helped me out quite a bit.

I did have a couple of problems. One was that I wasn't heavy enough. I dove with 25 lbs., and I usually only need about 8 with a 6 mil wetsuit, so I thought this would be enough.
I did my boyancy check, adjusted, and added 5 lbs. for when my 80cf tank was low, to counteract the boyancy, but I was still light once my tank was at 1000 psi.

The other was dumping air; I was putting the valve too low by turning my arm when I was attempting to make my forearm low. I think I have this licked now, but I will see when I get back in the water.

One other thing, I have the DUI TLS350se suit with dipped boots. Well, the problem is that even though the suit fits me perfectly everywhere, the boots are too big. - According to DUI's site, the medium is supposed to fit size 10 shoes, I have size 10.5. - Well, I have the weezle extreme underwear with the weezle boots, and the material inside is real silky feeling. I can't really seem to get a good flutter kick going, and end up wasting energy. Any ideas as to how to make this better?

I love the suit though - 43 degree water - never felt it once.
Congratulations on your drysuit purchase. You're gonna love it. My wife was commenting just this evening how much she enjoyed diving this weekend in 39 degree water. :) :) :)

(Prior to the drysuit purchase, 75 degree water was too cold for her.)

Originally posted by Weezle
I have the DUI TLS350se suit with dipped boots. Well, the problem is that even though the suit fits me perfectly everywhere, the boots are too big. - According to DUI's site, the medium is supposed to fit size 10 shoes, I have size 10.5. - Well, I have the weezle extreme underwear with the weezle boots, and the material inside is real silky feeling. I can't really seem to get a good flutter kick going, and end up wasting energy. Any ideas as to how to make this better?

I love the suit though - 43 degree water - never felt it once.

This probably isn't going to help you much, but I got a large CLx450 with the size 10 rockboots, and I wear a size 9.5 shoe. Initially, I thought the suit feet were too large, but now when I put on my liners and the the heavy socks that came with my undies, it's perfect. It feels *way* different than the fins on my wetsuit (harder to get moving), but now that I've dove it a couple of times, I attribute that more to the shell suit not being as 'streamlined' as the drysuit. It might be just a matter of getting used to the suit.

Also, I *really* like the rockboots. They work very well for the kind of diving we do around here where I have to walk into/out of the water over big rocks and such. You *might* consider getting the rockboots on the suit, if possible. Everyone I know that has them loves them. Plus, it allows me to have deal with the bigger footpockets of the suit.

I appreciate your reply, but I think if I had rockboots, there wouldn't be a problem. Any other thoughts?
I would think you had a few options:

1) send the suit back to DUI to have smaller boots put on.
2) live with the boots the way they are, but use a couple pairs of very thick socks to "fill in" that extra space.
3) convert to the CF200 "attached sock" and use Rock Boots.

I had a similar problem with my previous suit that had "attached" boots. Despite the fact that they put on smaller boots, they still weren't small enough (I needed another 1/2 size smaller). So I wound up doing #2: the "2 pairs of very thick socks" routine. It worked. {shrug}

However, when I bought my new DUI TLS350, I went with #3, and I couldn't be happier! Rock Boots Rule!

I was afraid of that - I guess I will maybe use the liners out of my snowboard boots if they will fit...

Thanks everyone..
Congradulation's Weezle:

I'm also waiting for my new White's Polar -Flex 11 drysuit that i ordered. I hope i don't have any problems also.
As for my feet size, i was able to try on the dive shop foot ware for the attached boots..
Seem to hit the right size... fingers crossed.
Good luck with your's and safe diving.
Good times are to be had in that dry suit Weezle. I just made a dive last Saturday with my DUI CLx-450, in 35 degree water and I too use the Weezle undergarments with the Weezle boots. I have the rock boot system and if you can go that route you will not be sorry. You’ll have to get the rock boots in a size larger than you take in a shoe, in order to accommodate the Weezle booties. Hey Weezle, do you see how many times I said Weezle in this post…………LOL

Dive Safe……………..Arduous
Originally posted by Weezle
I can't really seem to get a good flutter kick going, and end up wasting energy.

I was afraid of that - I guess I will maybe use the liners out of my snowboard boots if they will fit...
Weezle if you purchased this suit new you need to get them to change the boots...

If you bought it used then you need to pay to have the boots changed...

Extra energy is only a part of the continuing problem you are going to have with this arraingement...

I know you don't want to hear this but:

You do run the risk of having gas expand in the feet on ascent and blow your fins off at which point you are absolutely helpless and on your way to the surface...

Admittedly this is a worse case scenario but I have known it to happen... and diving with loose boots is not wise IMO.
BTW you can get rid of a lot of that extra weight by only putting enough gas in the suit to take off the excess squeeze (leave some squeeze - I dive with a ~20fsw squeeze) and use your BC (or wing) for buoyancy control. This is esspecially important since your boots do not fit.
I stopped by my LDS after work yesterday and asked him about it. He had me put my suit on and fins - he thinks the main problem is that my fins are too small. I am going diving this weekend with his group and he is going to let me try a pair of XL Jetfins with the spring retainer to see what I think. He said that the boots did fit correctly.

I trust him because of his experience, his willingness to take back equipment that I haven't been happy with, and his knowledge of drysuit diving. I feel pretty certain that if I try these fins it will feel better, but if not he will make it right.

BTW - the fins I have currently are Large fins, and I was hoping to get away without needing to purchase new fins.

Thanks a lot everyone...

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