@Marie13 wrote, AN/DP would cover how to manage deco bottles in DIR(-ish) format, but not how to deal with Tec SM deco bottles.
The list of unique elements in Technical SM is kinda short--setting up the bottom clips, setting up the top clips, moving bottles--but it's a deceptively short list.
Re: bottom clips, you've gotta do a different clamp-and-leash system that requires a lot of adjustments to clamp height, leash length, and tank rotation. There are lots of interacting variables, and it's challenging to get right.
Re: top clips, the standard leashes around the tank/valve neck are no longer adequate. You've got to rig and use a bungee-and-quick-links system to clip in up top and attach your second stages. It's a good setup, but learning to rig it and orient the multiple elements correctly can be a pain.
Re: moving bottles, you're going to put your deco tanks atop your main tanks (or below; there's a way to do that, too, but I don't recall quite how it goes). Putting them there in a pool session isn't hard, but doing so in open water while wearing a drysuit with bulky undergarments and limited range of motion, plus carrying a full load of tec gear and managing both a canister light cord and a large light on the back of your hand? And while still figuring out the clamp-and-leash system? That can be a special kind of suck.
And, just for fun, add onto all that the mechanics of doing a gas switch while juggling at least three active second stages. Four, if you're talking gas switches between the first and second deco bottles.
I'd definitely practice your Tec SM skills before trying them in AN/DP.