You read my mind. I saw someone on eBay selling reg bodies and saw replacement cans at the Scuba Museum and that got me thinking.
Guess that was what you had in mind..I cut the larger opening in those cans for Rob so I an well aware of them.
I have a square label DA but prefer the round label one. Also doesn't the round label have a stronger and longer yoke?
Most of the round labels do have the long yoke but many of the square ones do as well but they are no stronger. There were a few in the later models that had a 3000 yoke but those are rare and you pay dearly for them. Much cheaper just to have a Conshelf or other modern yoke modified to fit. In reality, the common long yoke is plenty strong for the occasional 3000 tank.
---------- Post Merged at 10:35 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 10:15 PM ----------
I really don't see the connection between the two. However, you may want to remind the wife that children grow up but a double hose is a joy forever.
The grandbabys need a well tested reg when they get old enough to dive...never to soon to get them one.