I haven't read alot of the posts so far (no time), so I may be going over old ground.
Both formats have their advantages & disadvantages. Digital is better for a beginner (instant feedback, delete bad images, etc). Film still has a slight edge in quality and dynamic range (eg 7-8 stops for colour neg, around 5 stops for digital). Digital can theoretically take more than 36 photos, but eats more batteries (my s50 took around 8 photos before dying on a full battery charge in 4 degree C water).
However.. in the end it dosent really matter. The most important part of photography (especially true underwater) is TECHNIQUE. It dosent matter If you own the most expensive digital does-everything-forya 50.0Mp camera, you will get blown away by the guy with the cheap-***** p&s with twin external strobes who knows what he is doing.
So my advice would be to get whatever will get you into the water and learn how to use it properly. I've read and participated in enough online & offline debates/flame wars about format (digital vs aps vs 35mm vs 645 vs 66 vs 67 vs 45 vs 810) and brand (mostly nikon vs canon although Sinar snobs can be funny) to realise that it dosent matter.
It's not the camera, it's how you use it!
Both formats have their advantages & disadvantages. Digital is better for a beginner (instant feedback, delete bad images, etc). Film still has a slight edge in quality and dynamic range (eg 7-8 stops for colour neg, around 5 stops for digital). Digital can theoretically take more than 36 photos, but eats more batteries (my s50 took around 8 photos before dying on a full battery charge in 4 degree C water).
However.. in the end it dosent really matter. The most important part of photography (especially true underwater) is TECHNIQUE. It dosent matter If you own the most expensive digital does-everything-forya 50.0Mp camera, you will get blown away by the guy with the cheap-***** p&s with twin external strobes who knows what he is doing.
So my advice would be to get whatever will get you into the water and learn how to use it properly. I've read and participated in enough online & offline debates/flame wars about format (digital vs aps vs 35mm vs 645 vs 66 vs 67 vs 45 vs 810) and brand (mostly nikon vs canon although Sinar snobs can be funny) to realise that it dosent matter.
It's not the camera, it's how you use it!