onbelaydave:A 35mm frame scnned at 4000DPI will result in a 54MB (not megapixel) file. Don't confuse MB (megabyte) with MP (megapixel). Several DSLRS can produce a file this large and a few can surpass it notably the Canon 1Ds, which is supposed to rival medium format.
I've got a Fuji S2 coming Wed. that I plan on doing some extensive side by side tests to my Nikon N90s/Provia rig. I'm hoping I can have a test report by next week.
Well, I was trying to answer the question
"The pictures seem pretty good on a computer but I have been disappointed with the quality of prints from digital cameras. Do good digital cameras have the same quality as 35 mm cameras? How many pixels do you need to achieve the same quality prints as 35 mm film?"
So, that's comparing a 35mm Print from a Lab. To a digital printed at a lab. At my lab. They Print 35mm the old way. They don't scan it first. So you're not limited by there scanner.
And a Lab Printed 35mm is the Equivelant to the Lab Print of a 40-50Megapixel camera. On good film.
They do have programs to ENHANCE the digital file. Enlarging it without loosing to much detail. But I'm talking right out of the camera.
By the way, I shoot Medium format and Large Format. Very little 35mm. I like big negs for greater detail. Mostly Black and White. Which will start to showgrain if you Enlarge even up to an 8x10 with 35mm. 6x7 negs on 100 films won't. And 4x5 and 8x10's Negative prints look awesome. And have shot for 28 years. Had a Dark room in Every home I've owned and My father had one in the home also. So I grew up around it. I started when Digital came out and Was very upset at the lack of quality in Prints. They've come a long way. But they aren't there yet. For Print Work, Yea, there fine. For Art Work and Oversized enlargements. Fine if you don't mind loosing detail. I do mind. And they don't touch Medium Format Color at all. Unless your talking about Trying to Scan it and then Print it. But Why would I want to do that? For Touch up? Maybe, But I've gotten by without it for large prints up till now. I like to show Reality. Not Touched up.
And Yes, I have a OLY 5060 now with a PT-020. Fun toy. But Film still has it's place. At least for a while. Pics are great. Still not in a League with Film though.
I didn't get into Underwater Photography for a long time. In fact just the last year. Because I always saw the same pictures. A fish by a rock. Which to me, isn't inspiring. So I didn't see a purpose. But some people enjoy it.
I DO like underwater video. Showing the Fish in an enviroment. Doing it's thing.
No Offense meant by my statements. Just trying to clear up WHY I posted What I did. So it's Clear.
I already got WARNED once about being Harsh in bringing facts about film over digital. Sorry, But I have a problem letting Misinformation hang there. So I'm not trying to be HARSH. If you take it that way. That's all in YOUR mind. Not Mine.