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I recently purchased the ocean reef neptune II ffm (haven't tried it yet), but i'm gettin some second thoughts. I've only logged about 30 dives. I bought it because my other mask fogged up real easy, and I experience some discomfort not being able to breathe through my nose. Everything was just dandy untill i saw a thread on another forum where
another user stated:

"Of those more suited to sport diving the Ocean Reef is OK but
easily broken and tends to free flow when the diver is in the head down
attitude. It is possible to get a CO2 hit with this mask if you have
not ensured the oral-nasal silicon hood is not properly seated on its
plastic fittings of the comms ports and the dump port."

Does anyone have any experience with this mask, and is there anything to this critisism?
And also, is it suggested to get some training before using this ffm?
I recently purchased the ocean reef neptune II ffm (haven't tried it yet), but i'm gettin some second thoughts. I've only logged about 30 dives. I bought it because my other mask fogged up real easy, and I experience some discomfort not being able to breathe through my nose. Everything was just dandy untill i saw a thread on another forum where
another user stated:

"Of those more suited to sport diving the Ocean Reef is OK but
easily broken and tends to free flow when the diver is in the head down
attitude. It is possible to get a CO2 hit with this mask if you have
not ensured the oral-nasal silicon hood is not properly seated on its
plastic fittings
of the comms ports and the dump port."

Does anyone have any experience with this mask, and is there anything to this critisism?
And also, is it suggested to get some training before using this ffm?

Take with a large grain of salt the things you read on the internet...including here.

It is, for example, possible to get into all sorts of trouble with all sorts of scuba gear if you are a moron who doesn't ensure your equipment is properly assembled before diving it. This is not a sport that suffers morons.

It is strongly suggested that you get some training before using the ffm, as is the case with most items of gear more complex than a snorkel. But a technician can ensure that the second stage doesn't free flow at unusual attitudes, and assuming you are not a moron, I suspect you will be very pleased with the mask once you are entirely knowledgeable and comfortable with it.

And welcome to ScubaBoard. :)



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