Female peeing

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..Bodily functions are a reality of life, and anyone who gets offended by them needs to get out of that pristine fantasy world they're living in and remember that there is nothing dirty or disgusting about the proper function of the kidneys.

I feel the same way. If you need to pee, just don’t make a big deal out of it, just go. Easy to do in warm water but significantly more trouble in cold water. My wife, now in her new Fusion drysuit makes a point to go before a dive. She’s not a big fan of the She-P program - yet.

When I dive in my drysuit, I also go just before I dive and have no trouble waiting until I surface. It’s on smaller boats without heads where guys do have a distinct advantage and generally no problem going to the rail or performing a quick prop check.

Reminds me of the story where a little girl watching a little boy peeing next to a tree say’s, “My, that’s a handy thing to have at a picnic!

The problem is worse on small boats in cold water, diving in a drysuit. Women just need to let me know they need some private time and I’ll be happy to turn my back while you do your business. There will be no snickering or wise cracks from me. I’d much rather they go than to be uncomfortable for the rest of the trip.

BTW, I’m not a fan of a wetsuit diver coming up and letting urine drip out of their suit. Just like you momma told you, “flush the damn toilet!”.

I find it interesting that the majority of people saying they don't see why it's an issue are men.

I can't speak for any of the other men, but I wonder if there's some ambiguity in the way things are being phrased. So I will try to be painfully precise in my pontification on the subject of pee:

I do not think that there should be any social issue with a diver of either sex who chooses to pee over the side. However, I sympathize with the physical discomfort my sister divers incur trying to do so.
I don't dive in your area, I am not a woman and I have never seen a dry suit so maybe I should shut my mouth but down here, a lot of smaller boats use a bucket instead of letting it fly over the side-might be easier then hanging it out in rough waters, can't say but its worth a thought.

As for the social issue, I don't see that there should be a problem.
I grew up in OR, crabbing or fishing on a boat, often in winter, and with a sister, or mom on deck. They used to use a bucket! :11: Then my dad purchased a small port-a-potty (very small, but better than a bucket). I'm sure it was a PITA, but we always would give them privacy, while they did their business.

Now add a drysuit! That makes things a lot more difficult. My bet is that it is going to have to come down, almost completely. Then one has the challenge of not pissing on said drysuit.

I honestly feel for the fairer sex in this regard. I don't have a great solution, but I will say if I'm on a boat with you, and you gotta go, I'll doing everything possible to make it easier on you.

The shediaper is an interesting idea. I wonder though, how long before it saturates, and becomes uncomfortable? If you were on your own boat, I'd think one could rig something up as far as a comfortable place to go, but still one must deal with removing gear.

Ohhh, I'm GLAD to be a dude!
That's too funny... I guess I had two main questions here. 1). Are the guys offended by it and 2). Why are the women so uncomfortable doing it? I understand the physical aspects vs. how the guys do it, but the mental end of it is what confuses me. I mean diapers... Pee valves... I'd rather hang it out there for the whole world to see any day. If you do it sneaky enough, the captain of the boat will start the boat and head out for the next dive before he realizes what you're doing off of the front of his boat. So I've heard.... (Wish I had a picture!)
Dehydration is a variable that increases the risk of DCS. I'm not going to risk my body over someone possibly getting offended, and I wouldn't expect a female too just because their anatomy is different than mine. I have a pee valve, but if I didn't, I'd still hydrate my self just as much, and pee off the back of a boat instead of through a condom cath in the water.
Not offended in the slightest.
Yeah, the aspect of the question I was addressing was the "offended" part. I would by no means trivialize the inconvenience women have to deal with because of their anatomy, since I've heard similar comments from ladies (including my wife) on hikes or long bike rides. Whether a woman is having to hang her hiney over the side of a boat or squat behind a pathetically sparse shrub, she has to expose far more of herself than we guys need to.

A friend of my son often fashions herself a makeshift Shenis from a water or soda bottle to handle her excretory needs in inconvenient locations. I'm not sure how well one would work with a drysuit, and frankly, I just have a general idea how they work anyway (not being too inclined to think of urination as a spectator sport, regardless of the mechanics thereof), but I know she's sold on the idea. Not sure how it compares to the She-P, though I suspect they're similar.
For the difficulties in peeing off the back or side of the boat, ladies check your local outdoor store. Many sell what is essentially a funnel shaped to fit comfortabley with a bit of hose attached so that women can pee in the woods withour revealing too much of them selves. And the best part is... You can adjust the length of the hose to shorter or longer as suits your mood, where as the boys are just playing with what god gave 'em. :wink:

As for the offended ppart of this question, as long as you are NOT pulling a warhammer manuver, then you are welcome to relieve your self in whatever manner seems best to you.
I think most males would not be offended if asked to turn away for a relief session. It’s more the woman would not feel comfortable announcing that they had to pee. You just don’t expect to hear this very often. “Hey boys, ya all better turn around, I’m gonna pee!” Fact is, most men would just turn around and wait. It’s not knowing which perv is going to sneak a peek that makes many women, including my wife, too nervous to try it.

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