February or April for Coz diving?

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Thanks everyone for the free advice on car rental from my previous post. I really appreciate it.

One other question. I could do my dive trip in either early February or mid April. What are the pros and cons of visiting Coz for a dive trip during these times? Thanks again.

April might be a bit warmer, but two month apart wont make much of a difference IMHO...Possibly less likely to experience a norte in April, but weather does have its own mind....outside of any local holidays, either would be enjoyable.
Biggest differences. February has more risk norte but that time of year also has more eagle rays. We go February every year but only occasionally in April.

And Carnival is in February.
One is winter, one is spring.
Same in Mexico.
You do the math.
Like flyboy8 and uncfnp said there are more port closures due to El Norte in February than April. You can compare months on Christi's "sticky" under the "Cozumel" category--Historical Port Closures...
We used to dive in February every year for a decade due to "February school vacation" and again for "Spring vacation" in April. We're always on the island in May because that was our daughter's birthday. Therefore I feel qualified to comment.

Streydog is right. Come sooner. northernone and uncfnp provide the right reasons.

If you can't stand the idea of a possible port closure due to weather, which is not something that affected us much in many Februaries, wait until Spring. I LOVE February in Cozumel. Sure, part of that's because I'm not in NH in February, but it's nice weather and the spotted eagle rays are more plentiful. It's high season, so some things such as accommodations are more expensive. We actually avoid Carnaval activities as much as possible, so for us that's a minus, but many people love being on the island at Carnaval.

Early April is glorious and hardly ever hot and muggy. By May, it's often hotter and more humid. Some places count late April as low season, though for most it's still High Season until May.

It seems plausible that your trip options are timed based on school vacation times. If so, airlines know all about that and will jack up airfares from your area (they're roughly double during New England's February School Vacation week what they are the week before or after). If not, then it's possible that travel costs might help you make the decision.
I'd like to add that we don't worry about port closures any more--we just stay longer. Last month we were there for almost 3 weeks so if the port did close we'd still have plenty of opportunities to dive. Next time we are going to stay even longer :)

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