Suggestion Favourites??

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Wow.....what a DB
Reaction score
Acton, Ontario
# of dives
200 - 499
I do not know how difficult this would be but I personally think it would add tremendous value to SB for the frequent user. Similar to how you have favourites on your IE Browser, it would be great if the SB user could save favourite Forums which they frequent. Again, it might be very difficult but for me, it would be of great use because there are a dozen or so forums which I constantly check.

Just a simple (or not so) suggestion.
We already have that. :)

Go to any forum, select Forum Tools, select Subscribe to This Forum, choose your Notification Type and save.
Will that then subscribe me to every single existing and new thread in that forum so that I get updates on even threads that I do not want to subscribe to? Or will a "Goto Forum" button then appear which will allow me to jump to view that forum's front page? I guess I will try it and see.
The same process works for any thread that you wish to subscribe to. I subscribe to several top-level forums to see everything new posted there and many individual threads to see when they're updated. There are users on this board that make their User CP their start page on Scubaboard so they can review the latest changes in subscribed threads/forums first.
I too have lots of threads that I have subscribed to (even some that I have not posted in) but what I was suggesting was something very similar to the way an internet browser favourites work. A user coulf click a button similar to the drop down links today, then quickly select one of the few or many forums that they have selected as favourites., This way they can get there quickly but not have to subscribe to every post in the forum.

Just a thought.
If you subscribe to a forum, a link to it will be shown in your User CP.
There is a Subscribed Threads option on the Quick Links menu....
OK I will leave it alone because I do not think I am being clear on what my suggestion is (likely because my caffiene intake is sub-par this morning).

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