nlbford:I am just curious, but I have seen reference to the DIR forum/people etc. and have ascertained it apparently stands for "Do-it-right" . . . so my question is why that distinction? Is there a significant portion of the community "Doing it Wrong"? It seems tro me that making that designation seems to imply that anyone else who is not "DIR" is somehow errant and incorrect. That strikes me as a bit judgemental and holier than though.
you're right, a lot of people seem to post some very sanctamonious (not sure of the spelling lol) posts against solo diving. It's entirley poss to 'Do It Right' as a solo diver, yes it's a different way of diving and as people have mentioned on different threads you need a far higher level of self awareness.
You'll also frequently see criticism of solo diving being mentioned in a non-tech forum of SB, funnily enough as far as Im aware the Solo Diving section is open to anyone and is well advertised so I do not think their argument holds water