I do not own a Gemini but I believe the scrubber size referenced above is not accurate.
The Gemini holds a total of 4.8 lb (2.2 kg) of sorb. Each scrubber is 2.4lbs / 1.1kg.
Someone feel free to correct me if this is not accurate.
I dive a Sidewinder/Gemini-type clone so I'm just giving you my own personal experience. For me - I will typically either rotate scrubbers (move inhale canister to exhale side and repack exhale side). I'm also comfortable going a bit longer without repacking but I also have a water trap in mine that keeps a lot of the lung butter (excess moisture) out of the exhale side. I also only use 2 dust filters on the top. I think 4 is overkill, at least for my particular rebreather.
If your typical dive is only ~90 minutes then you could get away with dumping the exhale cartridge, move inhale to exhale and repack the other scrubber if you wanted to be very conservative. You'd only have to pack 1.1kg of sorb.
If it were me I'd would also leave the scrubber out to dry for a bit. Actual scientific evidence (not people's feelings) shows that leaving a scrubber unsealed for a day or so will not negatively affect the CO2 removal capacity. If you're diving the next day simply leave it on the counter. I will usually leave the scrubber on my work bench overnight. If I'm not diving until next weekend then I'll put it in a sealed dry bag the next day.
See paper here:
Storage of partly used closed-circuit rebreather carbon dioxide absorbent canisters - PMC
Another option. I'm saying this with a bit of a disclaimer as I don't own a Gemini and this is probably not recommended. One thing you could do if WOB is an issue is pack with 4-8 mesh. I'm saying this with the caveat that that this sorb is probably
NOT approved for the Gemini and it will have less duration than typical 8-12 mesh. People can make their own adult decisions about what they consider safe but I know plenty of people who use 4-8 mesh in their Sidewinders.