If a person is behaving in an obviously impaired way, I can see the logic in risking one's well-being to 'save' him. I'm not willing to endorse it being obligatory, but it is 'noble.'
But barring such evidence, trying to bodily haul someone up by force after they've indicated 'No thanks, go away' or similar sentiments, could be taken by some people as assault and highly offensive.
It's been a few years, but we had a thread on the forum talking about the issue of seasoned cave divers who see people unequipped for cave diving going into one (non-cave certified fools was the presumption) hauling them up by force if they wouldn't abort, and one of our members (haven't seen his posts in awhile; hope he didn't get banned, he was entertaining) indicated if someone tried that with him, he might pull his 'pig-sticker.' I think that member has enough sense not to get into the situation in the first place, but the point is, some people take great umbrage at being manhandled.
But barring such evidence, trying to bodily haul someone up by force after they've indicated 'No thanks, go away' or similar sentiments, could be taken by some people as assault and highly offensive.
It's been a few years, but we had a thread on the forum talking about the issue of seasoned cave divers who see people unequipped for cave diving going into one (non-cave certified fools was the presumption) hauling them up by force if they wouldn't abort, and one of our members (haven't seen his posts in awhile; hope he didn't get banned, he was entertaining) indicated if someone tried that with him, he might pull his 'pig-sticker.' I think that member has enough sense not to get into the situation in the first place, but the point is, some people take great umbrage at being manhandled.