I had this agreement with an instabuddy on this very wreck. We no sooner land on the wreck than he dissappears into it. I was not equipped for solo nor for penetration/overhead and had no interest in it. I thought maybe he was going to do a quick look see and 180. Nope, he kept going, I went in after him having been admonished by the charter crew to stay with our buddies or else and of course feeling an obligation! I followed him until he sprinted off down a dark corridor and I said screw it, and 180 out. I had a nice dive, me and my camera, he popped back out thank goodness about time to head up the mooring line. Whatever.
You can have all the agreements you want with unknown people and they are basically as good as nothing.
The nitrogen narcosis rapture of the deep bugger bear, I figure some folks may be a little more prone to it than others, I never really feel anything to speak of, maybe some dullness at most. But my "buddy" here did not have narcosis, he had a case of stupid and stupider is as stupid does and I ain't stupid, so I let him go. I had warned him well in advance that I would not go in.