I don't get the "narc" theory. Based on the report it I inferred it was a bit into the dive (unless the buddy had to come right back up.) So going further into the wreck on the tail end of a dive ain't necessarily a good recipe ... even a cleared out wreck. I suppose we'll find out more when the gear is found and evaluated.
My nark theory is diver 1 is at turn pressure signals diver 2 it's time to go up. Diver 2 looks at his SPG, dosen't understand what exactly it means, but figures it's plenty of gas to continue and waves off his buddy instead of finishing the buddy dive properly. Even if he read the gas right, I can tell you from personal experience, it's not hard to get disoriented (lost) when narked. I've seen divers get narked fairly shallow, and, when narked, all it takes is a small error to be in over one's head.
What are you supposed to do if your buddy says "nope, I'm not ending the dive"?
I can get pretty insistent.
If the "this is a buddy dive, we splash togather, dive togather, and surface togather" and "any diver can end the dive at any time" are said out loud in the dive plan, trying to discuss this underwater is avoided. Not that I have had a lot of instabuddies, I have found for the most part they agree, and are decent buddies.
Ultimately, one has to keep oneself safe, and if your buddy swims away, that pretty much dissolves the buddy team.
As someone who doesn't drink alcohol, how would I know what "buzzed" feels like? I've been down to 43m twice and didn't feel any different. Since I had never been down that deep before, I was pretty focused on following the guide and not doing anything stupid, so maybe I was too focused to notice?
It's not like alcohol except it does impair one, more like a real bad flu, one where you can't think, only without any of the other symptoms. The issue with narcosis is that you may not feel it at all, until you have to think, make a decision, and act. It narrows your perception, yours was narrow already so I'm not surprised you didn't notice. I'd bet money that if you had looked at your SPG, turned it over, and tried to remember what it was (never mind what it meant), you couldn't.