Falling into Dive Boat

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So what exactly are you trying to gleam from your question? Your assumption that we are a bunch of egotistical non caring human beings is based on the fact that we drew a logical conclusion based entirely on 2 things, what you said and what you didn't say. You basically said 'I got hurt' after trying to paint a scary (but possibly realistic) picture of your situation. You then used legal terms to ask 'Who is to blame for my injuries?' and limit our options to a subset that includes only the boat operator, the resort owner and God (or Mother Nature or whatever) but excluded yourself.
I still think you were asking with the thought of legal action in mind but I could be wrong. I found your post to be a little offensive in that I think one of the worse human traits is the inability to assign responsibility to one's self.
Regardless, please enlighten us. What were you really trying to ask?
Staying on the beach would be safer.... but if you get sunburn;

a. should I blame the resort whose beach I'm on
b. should I blame the sun

guess those are the only two choices???
...For all you egotistical non caring human beings that posted a negative reply to this thread.i'm sorry i took up your time and space on this board....

Welcome to internet forums. Unfortunately, this is sometimes what you get. If you stick around, you will learn to think about things before posting them (sometimes this part escapes me still :D).

.....i was just hoping for some honest feedback not a bunch of ****.like you should have fell on your head etc....

It is quite possible that what you got WAS in fact honest feedback. Just not feedback that you wanted. :hmmm:

i hope for the sake of some other diver out there that you might approach other divers posts with a little more respect and dignity.......

Knowing some of the people that have posted in this thread, they are great people who look out for people. However, their tolerance for what they deem "stupidity" can be low. They are still great and caring people. Again, you have to realize that this is an internet forum where many people create accounts only to post false "stories" to get people arguing or to bash a person's or companies name. This is not to say that is what you are doing, but you have to understand the background so you can understand (not necessarily like or agree with) the responses.

I suppose now since i posted this i will take more of a backlash about what happened.

Maybe, maybe not. Sometimes people will surprise you.

If you nothing good to say don't post it.

But then many people would never post :D

Sorry you broke your leg (or whatever) but I do believe that it boils down to being your fault. Stick around and give the rest of the board a chance. It can be a great place and a great learning tool.
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........Knowing some of the people that have posted in this thread, you they are great people who look out for people. However, their tolerance for what they deem "stupidity" can be low........

And one reason for this is that stupid (not saying that you are) can get you or your buddy hurt or killed doing what we do. A low tolerance for it is basic survival instinct as far as scuba goes.
Agreed merxlin. I was saying nothing negative about our low tolerance for stupidity. Most people have it in place for all the right reasons.
My questions in regards to this accident.
1. Is the dive boat operator liable for this accident?
2. Is the resort property owner of the pier liable?
3. Is nature liable for this incident ?

No i wasn't tippy toeing or pussy footing to get in the boat it happened really fast.

From your first post which I included in part above, how could anyone deduct that you are asking for any reason other than to place blame, and potentially sue? You missed the ONE party that is likely most liable for the accident, and that is you. Nature would be a close second!

Why is a boat operator, or property owner liable for your mistake? If you were not comfortable with the situation, then you could have done a number of things. Asking for help would be at the top of my list.

Welcome to SB. We are not a bad bunch. However lawsuits are not a cheerful welcome subject for anyone, unless maybe one is a lawyer. You may not have received the reaction you were expecting, but you likely got the reaction the post deserved. Keep in mind lawsuits generally help the lawyer, and his client at the expense of EVERYONE. Insurance premiums go up, businesses raise their rates or maybe even loose their business, and everyone pays. Your medical expenses were covered, and that is a blessing.

You can introduce yourself in the intro and greets forums. You can start a thread(s) on favorite destinations or gear. You can ask question on everything from basic OW skills to rebreather kits. I am sorry you were hurt, and I hope you fully recover, and are back in the water ASAP.
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I'm sorry - but I read the post and when I got to the last line 'Is nature liable', I thought it was just a light hearted post from a diver who had the misfortune to fall into a boat and get hurt. ScubaBoarders sure are a tough crowd. I think it touched a nerve but was taken out of context - read the original post again but consider the last sentence a 'punchline'.
responsabilaty is with the individual you are responsable for what you do.liability is with the property owner.if the op uses his insurance to pay for his injuries the insurance co is going to go after the property owner.not fair but that is what the insurance co will do
Any of you all get a threat from the OP. I did. Seems he's going hunting for my posts so he can rip them up and wishes I die underwater. I would post it but I think I'll just forward it to Pete and El.
One needs to know there limitations, and accept responsibility for self motivated actions, one person gets careless with coffee at a drive through, and the rest of us have to drink lukewarm coffee.
To think that I might have to pay more for a boat trip, or have a trip canceled because there is a slight chop all due to someone trying to get paid for their own misjudgments is enough to make anyone mad.
Any frivolous suit that has to do with diving that is won, will sooner or later affect all divers somewhere down the line, and that maybe why you are seeing a little heat with your question.
I'm afraid you got your wishes with wanting honest opinions, but like most I think you meant opinions that are favorable to you.
Good luck, and stay safe.

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