OK, now I understand. It is information you like to have with you during the dive.
Exactly the same as me wanting to know the very last moment that I can escape undrowned or unbent. I'm never planning to use that information, but plans go to pieces at times. So basically, you're saying that if your computer tells you something stupid you have something to compare "stupid" to. You compare "stupid" to a square profile that is diveable, I compare "stupid" to the worst dive that I can survive.
Two different ways of staying on course, what's the diff?
Best wishes.
Yep. Thanks lowviz, you put it more clearly than I did, I tend to fumble around while trying to express my ideas sometimes

Actually, my true feeling is not so much that the computer is likely to tell me something stupid.... I guess it is that the more I plan the dive, the less likely it is that I am going to do something stupid with what the computer is telling me!
Best wishes.