While checking buoyancy on a couple steel Faber 100 rentals I came across two different
100 cf Faber steel tanks. They showed an HP100 and an FX100. After looking at the rental
it did not indicate HP or FX but did show a 3442 service pressure so I'm assuming it's the
FX100. The rentals are 2009 tanks so not very old. Are these other 3180 Faber tanks older
tanks ? They are much more negative than most of todays steel tanks. The 3180 is actually
14.7 lbs negative full compared to the 3442 tank at 8.4 lbs negative.
100 cf Faber steel tanks. They showed an HP100 and an FX100. After looking at the rental
it did not indicate HP or FX but did show a 3442 service pressure so I'm assuming it's the
FX100. The rentals are 2009 tanks so not very old. Are these other 3180 Faber tanks older
tanks ? They are much more negative than most of todays steel tanks. The 3180 is actually
14.7 lbs negative full compared to the 3442 tank at 8.4 lbs negative.