remember, especially when walking about decompression. the fO2 doesn't matter. ppO2 matters only for hypoxia and hyperoxia.
ppN2 is what matters. That is what creates the gradient across the tissues that will drive the nitrogen out. Talk about fO2 is not an accurate way to describe decompression.
If you want to force the Perdix to only do 6m stops for that dive profile, then you have to set the GF-lo to 90.
With gf 90/90, this gives 21min of deco on 21%, 14min with 50%, and 10 min on 100%
Ratio deco is designed for a much lower GF-lo and as such is going to be problematic when trying to force it to only do 6m stops and getting the results you want.
As a general rule for NDL, I use the "rule of 130" which is depth in ft + time =140 for NDL diving when on EAN32, and rule of 120 for air diving same as
@The Chairman , but those have mandatory 5 minute precautionary/deco stops. If you blow them, you'll be at a GF-hi of about 100, which is not where I really want to be.
For decompression diving, you can do rough ratios as well, but it can get very complicated especially if you dive with GF's that are outside the preprogrammed ones and you have to come up with your own ratios