Extreme-NorCal Scuba groups

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Reaction score
Crescent City, CA
# of dives
100 - 199
So I was certified while stationed in Okinawa and have done some diving in the Seattle/Tacoma area since being stationed in Fort Lewis, WA. I was born and raised in Del Norte county (The last one on the beach before you get to Oregon) but can't seem to find any dive groups. There is 1 hole in the wall dive shop which I can't seem to get a whole lot of info out of the owner via email. I was wondering if anybody knows any clubs in Del Norte or Humboldt county or any good dive spots. I know the beaches of Del Norte very well, but have never dove any of them. Just trying to get some info and keep on top of diving while I'm in Afghainstan. I'll be getting out of the army and will finally be free in march though! Can't wait to explore what I've been looking at my whole life and never knew was there!
There is a diving program at Humboldt State University in Arcata. Maybe the instructors can give you an idea. They do a lot of ocean classes here in Mendocino so I am guessing it is worth the drive for them.
Not sure if this link helps or not.
Scuba Shore Diving Site Listing for: California North, USA West

From the people I know of that dive that direction claim it is typically extreme conditions with strong currents and bad vis that commands mucho respect. Not that I haven't seen those condition in Mendocino, but I have also seen dead flat water and 80+ feet of vis.
Lol sorry for misleading you, bill. I am quite interested in taking up technical diving as we have the brother jonathan right there in crescent city but given it's depth and position, I'll be needing a whole lot of experience before I tackle that one. As of right now I'm working on my divemaster and instructor courses then I'll move into tech. I am building a submarine though. I don't know if that counts as extreme. I know it's extreme in itself trying to get any info out of the coast guard about licensing. Akimbo, I'll definitely check out hsu when I get home and see if the instructors there can help me out. I found a guy in oregon that comes to crescent city a lot too that said he'd show me the ropes :) Peter, thanks for the link. I have it bookmarked so hopefully I can check out a couple of those more northern sites in march! I'm no stranger to diving in currents and bad conditions. Typically it was good vis, but but at the northern point of okinawa where the south china sea meets the pacific, conditions can go from calm and awesome to 50' surge and a surf zone half a mile long inside of an hour if you aren't careful about your planning.

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