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The BP/Wing crowd aren't the only people who know how to control their bouyancy or dive a reef correctly... By your definition Dr. Jay, I'm a stroke, or a fly, whatever a stroke or fly is. Inexperience always seems to manifest itself in the most unflattering manner. Dive safely Jay, but don't dive with Strokes or Flies. :tree: Bob
I agree with Bob. Just because I don't usethe BP wings, or have gone through DIRF, does not mean I am out there to kill coral or have no interest in achieving, improving my neutral bouyancy skills. It does, make me a bit :( to see so much energy spent on bashing other divers because of different styles of gear and philosophy. Stroke, fly or DIR, labels and stereotypes all of them, I just want to dive, be safe and to be the best I can be. If, I am comfortable with my gear and my set-up, maintain skills and improve them does what should it matter to someone else.

By the way I haven't been run off and I must be a stroke by the definition given. I do consider myself a safe and considerate diver. I have and continue to work improve skills and learn new ones too.
I don't think that dr jay meant that EVERY non-dir diver is a coral killer, just that the dir people tend to be a little more outspoken in criticizing the people with really bad skills. I believe if you look back, he was just saying that the DIR guys tend to chase off the coral-killers ;)
Like a lot of divers here, I am a "stroke" but I am definitely NOT a coral-killer. I am also not so overly-defensive to jump all oversomeone for a percieved slight ;)

(and my spelling IS awful too) :out:
canuckdiver once bubbled...
I don't think that dr jay meant that EVERY non-dir diver is a coral killer, just that the dir people tend to be a little more outspoken in criticizing the people with really bad skills. I believe if you look back, he was just saying that the DIR guys tend to chase off the coral-killers ;)
Like a lot of divers here, I am a "stroke" but I am definitely NOT a coral-killer. I am also not so overly-defensive to jump all oversomeone for a percieved slight ;)

(and my spelling IS awful too) :out:

Nicely said canuckdiver. My compliments go out to you, for being open minded and not jumping to conclusions!!!!
My sppeellliinnnggg sucks as weelllll
Jumping to conclusions? Overly defensive? Openminded? Are you two reading the same posts the rest of us have read? There's no room for any misunderstanding there. :tree: Bob
Bob once bubbled...
Jumping to conclusions? Overly defensive?

And by what I understand a 'stroke' to be, I'm almost positive none of you are. Check this thread for a list of acronymns for scuba, of which I found this definition(s) for 'stroke':

stroke (1): diver who's so clueless that he/she is a danger to him/herself and anyone nearby. Often considered an accident looking for a place to happen.
stroke (2): Diver who refuses to learn even when shown a better way.
stroke (3): Favorite insult of Hogarthian divers at WKPP.

Do any of you fall into this category? Well, if so, then you may consider yourself a 'stroke' not by my definition. But, as cwb pointed out to me, even if someone is a stroke, others should venture to be patient and understanding and help them to realize that they can always learn something new if they have an open mind. That, as far as I can see, was my only mistake. And I certainly was not trying to imply that everyone except DIR is a stroke. If so, I apologize. Another thing I learned (thanks to MHK ;) and SeaJay) is that DIR is only 1/3 equipment. Seaangel, if you consider yourself a safe and considerate diver, than you are (by the definition mentioned above - and again not mine) not a stroke. You don't need a BP/wings setup to be a safe and considerate diver. Am I wrong here?

The way I see it, (which may also be torn apart and misinterpreted) we all should venture to learn something from everyone else and not shut someone out just because they do something different or disagree with us. If you absolutely refuse to do that then, well, maybe I might consider you a stroke. But that doesn't mean I won't dive with you or stop listening to you.....or, as I become more experienced and knowledgeable, try to help you out. Thank you cwb for helping me with that.

Can we give bubblejunkie his thread back now?
Overly defensive? Jumping to conclusions? No! You can't have it both ways. I refer YOU back to YOUR first two posts. :tree: Bob
....and what of my last?
I think you're trying to put the best possible face on a bad suitation. I think given another chance you would express yourself in an entirely diffrent manner. However, I do believe your explanation in your last post and even agree with you on much of the content of it, BUT you have to understand that throwing catch words around like strokes and flies and phrases like "DIR people chasing the strokes away" is not the way to "win friends and influence enemies". If this thread hadn't been tucked away in the Florida section, I guarantee you it would have gotten NASTY. Dive safely my friend. :tree: Bob
I'll be in Key Largo March 22 and 23. You're welcome to join us...
Even tucked far away in the Florida section ..it gets looked at.


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