Exhaust hose

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I have a several Hollis rigs and although i like them there are a few things i think you should address

1. this is just a question....I have 2 plates using the elite2 one using a S38 the other an S25 both seem to have too short of exhaust hoses. question...do you make longer hoses AND can you get a relief valve on the exhaust hose that you can pull to release. I struggle to get the air out of the BC at surface becasue it it so short. if you carry these things would be nice to see them on your website.

2. I have 2 issues quality issues.....first i purchased a back-plate pad and it does not fit. looking in this forum seems many people have this problem i almost had to destroy the pad to get it on....seems nobody is checking things What can i do with this thing??

3. I earlier purchased an hts2 the cam band holes on the wing and the hts2 and the cam band do not line up....my dealer and i called HOLLIS and someone told them it was never meant to line up. WHAT?? who would say such a silly thing.. I am sure it was a design oversite...but even in your instruction manuel it says you can ise a bookscrew for extra support.......cant happen with the way it is designed.....seesm someon there is not thinking ahead to the user and how they will use this.....ther reason for going tech is COMPLETE interchangability....you guys should think about this more in the future....i am sure i am NOT the only one who has had these issues....Your product looks great and even has some good ideas....just need to follow through on COMPLETING the thought and give a 100% completed product......work out the littel bugs BRFORE you release it

4. I have some SS cam bands they seem to be a little too long......and there could be a little more Velcro on it, .....if there was more velcro.... there is JUST enough velcro to barely hold the tank... and if you try to use any weight pouches on it you are totally screwed.. about 2-3 inches more of Velcro on both sides would fix this problem.

Just my thought...you have a good product......it could be a great product... :)
Hi Kwikool,

Thanks for the comments. See replies for each below in bold. :wink:

I have a several Hollis rigs and although i like them there are a few things i think you should address

1. this is just a question....I have 2 plates using the elite2 one using a S38 the other an S25 both seem to have too short of exhaust hoses. question...do you make longer hoses AND can you get a relief valve on the exhaust hose that you can pull to release. I struggle to get the air out of the BC at surface becasue it it so short. if you carry these things would be nice to see them on your website. Correct length for corrugated hoses is just long enough to orally inflate if needed, while still being able to dump. Industry standard according to most technical manufacturers is 12-13" - we use a 16". Remember this length is better tested in horizontal trim. If dumping air at the surface is an issue, first try moving the shoulder epaulet up as it is adjustable and/or there is always the rear dump. For others who prefer, we have a 19" available however it is found unnecessarily long. We also carry a hose/rapid exhaust valve combination in 16" - p/n 208.1061.016.

2. I have 2 issues quality issues.....first i purchased a back-plate pad and it does not fit. looking in this forum seems many people have this problem i almost had to destroy the pad to get it on....seems nobody is checking things What can i do with this thing?? We have received a few backpads in the past where the tolerances are very tight - if you are unable to assemble onto the plate, please contact your local Hollis dealer or our customer service department. we will be happy to get this sorted for you.

3. I earlier purchased an hts2 the cam band holes on the wing and the hts2 and the cam band do not line up....my dealer and i called HOLLIS and someone told them it was never meant to line up. WHAT?? who would say such a silly thing.. I am sure it was a design oversite...but even in your instruction manuel it says you can ise a bookscrew for extra support.......cant happen with the way it is designed.....seesm someon there is not thinking ahead to the user and how they will use this.....ther reason for going tech is COMPLETE interchangability....you guys should think about this more in the future....i am sure i am NOT the only one who has had these issues....Your product looks great and even has some good ideas....just need to follow through on COMPLETING the thought and give a 100% completed product......work out the littel bugs BRFORE you release it. Thanks for the question. This was not an oversight. The grommet locations on our new S-series wings and HTS2 do not match to avoid use of a single tank adapter in this configration. This combination uses the supplied cam bands only and any reference to using bookscrews was for our HTS 1.

4. I have some SS cam bands they seem to be a little too long......and there could be a little more Velcro on it, .....if there was more velcro.... there is JUST enough velcro to barely hold the tank... and if you try to use any weight pouches on it you are totally screwed.. about 2-3 inches more of Velcro on both sides would fix this problem. An additional 5" of velcro has been added to our cam bands - feel free to give our customer service department a call. We can add some velcro for you :D

Just my thought...you have a good product......it could be a great product...

Thanks for the comments - much appreciated. We hope your questions were answered here.

Best Regards,
kwikool, if you are in proper trim you should be using the dump valve at the back of the wing to dump gas, not the hose.

When in proper trim the exhaust valve at the back of the wing should be the highest point of the wing when descending. You should find others who have a bit more experience diving a BP/W to show you how to get into trim. I'm a recent convert as well; bit of an adjustment period.

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