Exercising for diving?

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So far, I havn't done much of anything special towards working out.

I just walk to/from work every day (about 3/4 mile each way).

Starting about 3 months ago, I stopped using elevators for trips of less then 5 floors (I work on the 4th floor :wink: ).

I've noticed that the stairs are getting easier lately...

I suppose I really should start taking advantage of the gym down in the basement of the building I live in (and stop stocking the freezer with ice-cream sandwitches :wink: ).
Originally posted by dc4bs
I suppose I really should start taking advantage of the gym down in the basement of the building I live in (and stop stocking the freezer with ice-cream sandwitches :wink: ).
dc - well, if you do start using the gym, I'll take care of those ice cream sandwiches for you. :wink:

ScubyDoo - If you are reading this, what is the regimen for Navy Seals? Or at least, a sample of it.

I have also created a "Scuba Workout" designed for my trip to the Galapagos in two months.

Since we will be diving off a Zodiac, I have been training with pull-ups and pushdowns since there are no dive platforms or ladders on the Zodiacs. I will have to be pulling myself up on the boat and pushing myself over the edge into the boat. I am also strength training my legs and doing more cardio than I normally do.
Actually, there have been a few posts on swimming....

I think swimming is great for many of the reasons already mentioned and for all around comfort in the water. There is something to be said for being used to being totally out of breath while in the water....if you don't panic in the pool, you will be less likely to panic in the water.

When time permits, I swim 1 mile 2x per week and hit the gym 2x per week for additional cardio and weight training. Of course, this is in a perfect world when work/family are not intruding...;-)
Actualy, diving got me back into exercising. After last year of sucking air way too fast, I decided I needed to get in better shape (hitting 40 didn't help maters either) I joined a gym over the winter and started doing some cardo and weights there. I also found a book, The Beginning Runner's Handbook that has a 13-week running program. I've started this program as as addional motivation other then longer bottom time, I signed up for a 10k race at the shore this July. I also told everyone I can think of about this so I can't back down without having to explain to everyone why I wimped out.

I used to be a runner. Getting into diving has started me to think that I need to begin running again. I have never seen anything that can build your wind better than doing hill workouts.
Originally posted by SunshineFish
ScubyDoo - If you are reading this, what is the regimen for Navy Seals? Or at least, a sample of it.


Here is a link to the Navy Seals workout regimen.

Like at least another poster here, my OW class a year and a half ago was an incentive to start getting back in shape. I started jogging for a while, but managed to tear a knee getting back on the boat laden with extra weight during one of my first OW checkout dives. I then switched to bike riding for the cardio workout and have been doing this almost daily since then.

I don't like to go to a gym and don't have the space at home for a bunch of equipment, so at first I relied heavily on Scubadoc's travel exercises at http://www.scuba-doc.com/travexer.htm for floor exercises to supplement the cardio. Since then I bought a couple of dumbbells and some weight plates to add a little more to these.

Finally, since I freedive more than I scuba dive now, breathing and breath-holding exercises are a part of my workout. I actually know some freedivers who are gifted with great breath-holding ability and who do not practice at all between dives. Alas, I'm not one of them.

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