Exercising for diving?

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United States, Wisconsin
I am curous as far as how many people that exercise develop their routine around diving and if you do what is the routine. Is it more aerobic, anaerobic or a combination of the too.
Only recently started exercising for diving - I concentrate mostly on aerobic cardio, but I want to start doing more weights in general, rather than specifically for diving. Immersed dive mag recently ran an article called "Pump Up For Tech" that focused on exercise routines for diving.
I have been lifting weights, running, and bike riding for years for a variey of sports and general fitness. I haven't swum competetively for almost 20 years, but have included it as part of my training specifically because I dive. Has it helped? I don't swim freestyle on surface swims, but I like to think that this training helps with endurance and breathing. I just enjoy being in the water too.
that any and all excersize would benefit your diving. From cardiovascular to weight training, it will make your diving easier and enable you to stay down longer. As with diving, if you have not excersized regulary, please seek the advice of a trainer or a physician (or both) before you start. I did, and it really helped. I didn't end up hurting myself by overdoing things so I have been able to be very consistent (OK, so I dropped a tank on my toe... that wasn't from excersizing). The trainer even accomodated my broken toe and has put me on the "hand" cycle to get the blood pumping.
I totally agree with that, but am wondering how many people out there exercise specificly for diving. I do a little personal training for people. And so this type of stuff (diving and exercising) is right up my alley. So just let me know how may of you out there train for diving.
I really like all the articles that Rodales Scuba diving, and Immersed have published about the importance or exercise in diving. Especially tekkies but just as important for rec divers.

Train hard, dive easy

I gear some of my weight training towards diving. I've had back and shoulder problems so I tend to concentrate on exercises that strength my back and shoulders (because of the weight of the tank they need to support).

Also, about a week or two before a big dive trip, I'll take a few yoga classes to work on relaxing and breathing techniques.
And you know, Pilates classes help lengthen and strengthen muscles. So for those of you who have trouble reaching that tank valve behind you..... :muscle: I for one (no offense to any pilates regulars, instructors, or the like) find the classes boring. My last instructor had me rolling like a ball for 5 minutes! I didn't want to be rude so I impatiently stayed thru the class.
Im new to diving, but I have a regular exercise routine that I have followed for several years. I weight train 3 days a week, each day focusing on different muscle groups. I also run 2 miles a day-three days a week for a total of 6 miles a week. My 2 mile course is through my neighborhood and is extremely hilly, so it is not only a great cardio workout, but a great workout for my quads, hamstrings, and glutes as well. I like to think I exercise all of my major muscle groups, but Im sure there are some that I miss. I would be interested in see a regimen specifically designed for scuba. I have seen the exercise regimen for Navy Seals, but its a bit overboard for me. :)
Scuba divers should workout with the iron and target the major muscle groups. Try squats, dead lifts, curls, situps, heel raises, leg curls, overhead and bench presses. Specialty excercises designed to improve your love life or your golf game are not necessary. Aerobics are optional if your weight training is fast paced. Most "hobby" excercisers work too slowly and don't push hard enough. Workout time, one hour, two-three times per week. Beginners and youngsters, not less than three/wk. The purpose is to facilitate handling of heavy gear, SCUBA, anchor rodes and the like, and to allow short bursts of extreme exertion while not pooping out or cramping.

Free divers should include some running or stairclimbing. The purpose is to expand chest capacity and wind. Serious spearfisherman must include sessions with the rowing machine.

Excercising regularly will improve your performance and possibly make you more resistant to DCS. There will be less lost time due to minor strains.

Divers should consider enhancing their diet with a broad spectrum multivitamin/mineral plus supplements of essential fatty acids. These would be omega 3 and omega 6, namely concentrates of flax, fish oil and wheatgerm oil. Women should include primrose oil.

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