Equipment check out in AL/TN

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Northern Alabama
Hi all,

I'm a newby to the board and fair newby to diving as well. I've never owned my own gear before and am in the process of piecing together two full sets for myself and boyfriend who just got his certification this past weekend. Anyone familiar enough with AL/TN dive shops (I'm in Northern AL) to recommend one for gear check out? The one my boyfriend just certified at quoted me aprox $25 + any parts for a reg. check out and 2 1/2 weeks send out time (they don't sell the brand I just bought used).

The price seems very reasonable if they don't "make up" part requirements but the 2 1/2 weeks doesn't thrill me during prime use time. Is this unavoidable? So far we have one BC (US Tech), two 1st/2nd stage sets (Mares) and one octo (also Mares) to check out. It would really be great to learn of a place that can turn them around inside a week :)

TIA for your pointers on this :-D
Take it I didn't phrase the question properly or maybe was headed in the wrong direction to be asking the question in the first place? ,,, or maybe should have put it in the Deep South area? If wasn't just a case of no one having an answer would be nice to know what I did wrong so that I can think out my questions better in the future :)

Anyway, no biggie, while it's in excellent condition, the used BC I bought didn't fit properly and is going back to eBay. Luckily, after looking around the boards a bit, I found a reference to a LDS in Decatur that actually has good prices (not online cheap but closer to them than the "you gotta be kidding" LDS prices here in Huntsville) and great service to boot! So my worries are pretty much over. My partner and I will be getting all our gear and our service there for the foreseeable future :)

Thanks for the boards! I love 'em even if I don't know how to use them properly, yet :)

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