Equipment / Beginner

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Hi, I am new to this forum, and I thought I wouls ask a couple of question about some equipment I am about to purchase, and I would appreciate all of your opinions....

And just to clarify, I have already been diving before in Cozumel, and I LOVED EVERY MINUTE!!!

In July I am going on a Liveaboard on the Aquacat in the Exumas for a week!!! I can't wait..

Here is the equipment I DO have so far

-Mares ESA Mask
-Crappy fins

-Cressi-Sub BC (Aqualight)
Does anyone have an opinion on this BC?

-Dive Knife
-Dive Light
-Dry Snorkel

Anyway here is my slingshot of questions...

I cannot decide on which computer to purchase, these 2 computers both look awesome, but which one do I buy?

Suunto Vyper?
Mares M1?

I cannot decide on a regulator either

Mares Abyss/Mares Proton Octo?
Apeks TX100/TX40?

Should I buy a tank?

I have decided on a

Mares Tris Dive Knife
SporaSub 2mm Gloves
A big bag

Thanks for taking the time to read through this mess. and IF I missed some piece of equipment please include!
Suunto Vyper -- great computer -- somewhat conservative

Apeks and Mares noth make solid regs. Lots of Apeks lovers on this board.

Buying a tank(s) -- I guess it depends on where you live and whether you'll be diving much locally. If you'll be diving locally, check the cost of renting a tank and estimate how many dives you'll be making. An AL80 can be purchased for $120-140.....if it costs $10 to rent it per day but only $3 per a cost of $125, it would take about 18 dives to break even on the tank purchase. This could be a little longer snice you will have to pay for annual inspection, but you get the picture.
Howdy from a fellow Texan!

Be sure to monitor the goings on in the Texas Section of this board since our little band is often posting things there, including dive opportunities.

We are also headed to Lake Travis on Memorial Day weekend, so hopefully you can join us then.
Lake travis eh?

I live about 10 minutes from travis, and my Gf lives ON lake travis...

Where about at travis are y'all going?

Wendy Point?
Being a 'New B' myself, I guess all I can say is get the best you can afford. Start with the regulator and work it from there... that's the best advice I can give.
Regulator - I dive a Mares, but many divers swear by the Apex. I have never dove an Apex so I cant really comment on them other than I know they are top notch reliable regs. Cant go wrong purchasing one of them. Mares regs are also high quality. Thier hoses tend to be a bit larger and stiffer which many divers dont like. Mares patented VAD and DFC are very nice features which make breathing thier regs very smooth and efficient.

Tanks - Depends on if you will be doing a lot of local diving. I bought two tanks because I plan to dive locally quite a bit, and using my own is preferrable to renting, especially in the long term. Eventually they pay for themselves and all your local tank usage is free!!

Computer - I dont know much about Mares computers. I dive the Suunto Cobra which is almost identical to the Vyper except the Cobra is air integrated. IMHO Suunto makes the premiere dive computers on the market. The vyper is feature rich. My only complaints on Suunto's is that the buttons are not real easy to press with gloves on, and the backlight is too dim.
Ditch the 2mm gloves. For Bahamas trip go to hardware store and look for brown cotton gloves with plastic buttons on grip. Get a pair of Aqualung Blades (fins) or Mares Quattro or Cressi Frog.

Check out the Genesis Resource or Genesis React computer. Much nicer graphics and easy to understand.

The Apeks and Oceanic are excellent regs.

The yellow mesh bag by Bandito Marine is excellent for Exumas diving. Lobsters can only be taken freediving, no SCUBA.

You need a lycra skin or similar. Get fitted in a shop.

Check out your reg, octo and gauges to make sure nothing dangles. Get clips or rubber tubing.

Add brass snaps to your weight belt.

Booties for oversized fins.

Sun screen, insect repellent, dyphenhydramine cream, immodium, aspirin, pepto bismol, Sudafed spray and 12 hr tabs, sun glasses, wind breaker, toiletries, towel, vitamins, medication



JBL three prong polespear, travel, barbed points

small roll of tape, nylon string


small flashlight

camera, binoculars

half dozen clothespins

multi tool

Attach a whistle to your vest

Deck shoes with white soles

Sandals, ditto
The only things on your list that I would recommend is the Vyper computer and the TX100/TX40. I would probably recommend the TX50/DS4 over the TX100 with the TX40 octo. You won't notice a difference in performance and the DS4 costs less. The TX100 is a fine reg too.

Good luck.

Okay, here's my advice,

1) Instead of a dive knife get a set of EMT shears. I've got some on my site but you can pick them up at most LDS.

2) I really like my US Diver Blades. Your mileage may vary.

3) Get two dive lights a big one and a back up you can stick in a BC pocket when not using it. A UK SL4 (or similar flat, 4 C-cell, light) makes a good second dive light. A Pelican King light makes a fine primary.

4) Don't buy a tank, unless you have your own boat or do shore dives around where you live. If you are going on a live aboard you should use their tanks. You don't want to have to take a tank on an airplane. It's just not worth it.

All of this is JMHO.

I nearly fell out of my chair laughing when a got to the mask on your equipment list. Does someone actually market a crappy mask?

On a serious note, good luck with your equipment purchases. I just recently purchased my equipment. This board is a great place to get advice. Another place I found helpful was the “Gear Buyer’s Guide” on Rodale’s Scuba Diving Webpage.

Good Luck,

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