Eight Legged Freaks!!!

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Since UnderwaterLyle(UL) won't post this adventure of epically funny proportions, I said I'd post it for him. I was also wondering if any of you had had similar experiences you'd like to share for our amusement. Anyway, UL and ScubaAndrea(SA) got together and decided to meet at Keystone for a day of aquatic adventure. First dive was good, with sightings of a puget sound box crab, some ling , and the ever presnt plumose amenomoes for which this site is so renowned. In addition, two medium sized GPOs were also discovered. It was during the second dive that things got interesting. UL re-found one of the octopi, and as luck would have it the bugger was out in the open. UL wanted to show SA how we do it down here in the sound, so he set down his divelight and started to take off his glove to demonstrate the textbook octo petting technique as he had seen from myself and deepdog. While he was busy with his glove the octopus was also busy, examing UL's divelight. Apparently it seemed edible, because he suddenly grabbed it and started heading home. The only trouble was that UL still had a lanyard holding himself to the light. It was at this point that SA realized something was amiss and came back to help. She started tugging on the light, the octo tugged back, and wouldn't you know it the steel ring stretched until the lanyard was separated from the light, at which point the octopus upped its speed and escaped into its home. A few more attempts were made, but alas, the octo had decided that whatever personal injustice he had suffered could only be made well again by the reclamation of the light, refusing to let go until air and time called UL and SA back to the surface. SO... anyone else ever been mugged by an octopus?
LOL. That's a riot. I'd have loved to watch that as long as it wasn't my light.
BTW. I hear that in addition to the "amenomoes" they also have some great anemones.

SO... anyone else ever been mugged by an octopus?
My husband carries a radio antennae as a pointer sometimes, pointed it at an octopus den. This was in the carribean someplace. One arm snaked out and grabbed it, then another, and the tug of war was on. My husband got the pointer back after awhile, but I thought he should have left the critter keep his new toy and see what it did with it.
Geesh. I'm just glad that UL didn't lose his speargun. A GPO with that kind of attitude could be a real danger...
Geesh. I'm just glad that UL didn't lose his speargun. A GPO with that kind of attitude could be a real danger...

Actually, Eric Morris (of Octopus Tales fame) wrote a hilarious account of having his brand-new speargun confiscated by an octopus ... :11:

As for the light ... wouldn't it be something if next time you shined your light into an octopus den, you got a light beam back in return ... :eyebrow:

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Holy cow, with my nack of finding octos as people complament me on, wouldnt it be something if a GPO or an mad Red octo decided that when I stuck my head under the rim of his hole that my mask would look better on him.

Actually there is another funny story, not of equipment getting confenscated by octos, but the diver himself being confenscated. Another great story by Eric Morris:

if this doesnt come uP, its from the octo tales from June 04
Hmm, maybe someone should add "sacrificial crab" to their saftey equipment list!

BTW, on feeding GPO's, is crab pretty much their favorite meal, or is there anything else they like to eat? Will they only eat live food, prefer live food, or are they scavangers?

I'm really hoping OE2X and I can find some GPO's this weekend. :)

At Titlow I cracked open a big claim and took the top off it, and put it a few feet from an octo, who then unrolled a arm and had a taste then took the entire thing under its mantle.
Sounds like a fun time. Wonder how long until the light gets spit out of the den and some lucky diver finds it? Maybe someone will read on here and it'll be brought back.

I had one try to grab me once. Got a hold of my dryglove and got a decent hold before I yanked back. He popped off, which is good, cause he was a big sucker. ScubaAndrea was there for that one too. Ogden Point. I fed him a scallop too after it was cracked open and he seemed to like it.
Sounds like a fun time. Wonder how long until the light gets spit out of the den and some lucky diver finds it? Maybe someone will read on here and it'll be brought back.

I had one try to grab me once. Got a hold of my dryglove and got a decent hold before I yanked back. He popped off, which is good, cause he was a big sucker. ScubaAndrea was there for that one too. Ogden Point. I fed him a scallop too after it was cracked open and he seemed to like it.

No more stories about me and octopus! :) People aren't going to dive with me anymore for fear that they will lose their equipment, or worse...a body part to an octopus!

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