Henry - with all due respect - let's tell the truth. I read that entire thread (did not post in it).
Actually you did post in it. I received the notification. You may have deleted it, but you most certainly responded.
You were not banned because you provided this information, or because she (or others) are in denial as you ASSume. She banned you and Kevin (OKCdiver) because you were both incredibly abusive and insulting.
I was not abusive and insulting at all. I provided facts at each denial she had and she didn't take kindly to that. This was our third or forth go around on the same topic and she continual remains in denial. I am not assuming anything, Paula and I have discussed this in private messaging.
If you were to speak to people on ScubaBoard the way you spoke to her I imagine the same thing would happen here.
I've posted here near verbatim what I posted in Cozumel My Cozumel. Instead of several posted to refute denials, I combined it into one post for ease of reading. I'd encourage you to post screen shots of the posts you feel I was out of line.
Both you and Kevin have been like dogs with bones on this topic insulting others, making assumptions about individual resident's ecological practices, being condescending and name calling.
I was not picking bones. If someone is going to deny the obvious facts I'm going to call them out on it. I was not assuming anything about Paula's ecological practices. I've been to her home, I've sat and chatted with her about her lifestyle living in the south of Cozumel off the city water and sewage system. I've considered buying a large plot of land out there myself so I've done my research about the area. As you put it, don't assume you know other people's business. It goes both directions.
Go ahead and attack me now too - but I read every post by you, Paula and Kevin and others and you and Kevin both were way out of line.
Again, I'd encourage you to post screen shots of the posts you feel I was out of line. I've been banned so obviously I can't go back and edit or delete anything.