Okay, its my turn. I' had been going into Eco since it opened a year ago February. At first, I was really excited to have a well stocked dive shop close to home. At that time I was OW certified with my own BC and snorkel gear. I took many boat trips with them, got my AOW cert. with them, spent over $2000 there on a computer, 2 wetsuits, a regulator, gloves, a hooded vest, booties, 2 snorkels, and many tank fills, plus other miscellaneous small items. At first everything seemed great, they let me post my pictures and videos on their website, they gave me good deals on gear and rentals and all seemed rosy. Then about a year or so later things changed. Following a tank rental for a boat trip I was accused of dropping a tank and bending a valve. I discussed it briefly with Ron, but I swore to him I had not done it, yet he insisted on me paying for it. Nothing happened at the time but a few days later, there was a $47.00 charge on my credit card which I was not informed of previously. My wife couldn't identify the charge, so she reversed it. I eventually paid the charge, even though I didn't feel good about, just to try to keep from ruining a previously good thing. That's when it all started going downhill. Shortly after that I noticed my pictures and videos were missing from the website. I was told that it was because I didn't post often enough. Huh?...
I sent him the pictures at least 3 times and even hand delivered a CD but apparently the honeymoon was over. On one incident, I went in after work to check out computers and was quoted a really good price on a computer. About $50 more than leisure pro. Being the quick thinker I am, I put $100 down to hold it for later. I came in the next day to pick it up and Ron was there, but the employee wasn't. I told Ron I came in to pick up the computer and he was shocked that his employee had quoted me such a low price. He said, "Why did _________ quote you such a low price?" I replied, "I don't know, he's your employee". When I even mentioned the price on Leisure pro, this made him really angry. After some haggling, I finally ended up paying $30 more than I was quoted, because I wanted it so bad. I bought a brand new PST HP100 tank on the internet and brought it in to Eco for a fill. Ron said "Why don't you take it to where you bought it for a fill?" I replied that "Florida was too far away." I don't want to be dissed just because I'm only spending $5 on a fill. Ron seems to have forgotten the first rule of business. Do something good for someone, and they may tell one or two people. Treat someone badly and they will tell everyone. Can we say ________ Chalet?:shakehead