Easy photo corrections

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Mr. Nice Guy

Reaction score
Dalton, Massachusetts
# of dives
500 - 999
I had the opportunity to try out Vivid-Pix's software. If you are looking for a quick amazing fix for your underwater pictures try it out.

Home - Vivid-Pix

Below are a few examples which took about 3 clicks to change from ho hum.

Before PICT0030.jpgAfterPICT0030.Vivid.jpg

Before PICT0027.jpgAfterPICT0027.Vivid.jpg
Before IMG_2129.jpg AfterIMG_2129.Vivid.jpg

Give it a try, this product cannot be beat for ease of use.

I downloaded the trial software package and it washed out my photos. His demos look good though.
Probably on a par with 'auto-tone', 'auto-contrast' and 'auto-color' on Photoshop etc..
Probably on a par with 'auto-tone', 'auto-contrast' and 'auto-color' on Photoshop etc..

Using PSE 9, and occasionally click one of the 'auto adjustments', just for the hell of it ... About 9 out of ten, the result is "What the:shocked::shocked:??"

Luckily, there's the 'Undo'-button ...
Hello all,

When we adjust an image using Vivid-Pix Picture-Fix, we take statistical measurements for the image and make our best estimation of how we can change the image to be improved. We adjust the contrast, lightness (or brightness), color balance and sharpness. Our intent is to bring many of the changes that can be done with more expensive and complicated programs within the reach of most divers, and make it much easier to achieve good results. This is not easy to do.

Most times, picking one of the 9-up images we provide will get your image close to where you want it. However, we are not perfect, so controls for "tweaking" are also provided.

If you are not getting the results you want with Picture-Fix, feel free to send me an image at randy.fredlund@vivid-pix.com and I'll see if I can make the program perform for you. And you'll be helping us make the program even better.

Thanks - Randy
I had the opportunity to try out Vivid-Pix's software. If you are looking for a quick amazing fix for your underwater pictures try it out.

Below are a few examples which took about 3 clicks to change from ho hum.

Before View attachment 159077AfterView attachment 159078

Before View attachment 159079AfterView attachment 159080
Before View attachment 159081 AfterView attachment 159082

Give it a try, this product cannot be beat for ease of use.


Very good post! Thanks!
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