I have tryed to email DAN my qustions but keep getting errors that it cant be submited.
My son's ENT is not fomilrer with diving. My son has had 15 ear infutions in the past year and most of the time still has fluid as well. The ENT told us the only fix is Tympanostomy tubes. Right now my son is 7 but has high hopes to become a diver when he is 10. Is there a diffrent treatment that wont put a hole in the ear drum? Are there lone turm problems after the tubes are removed with diving? Will he have problems with ruptures of the drum because it is weeken?
My son's ENT is not fomilrer with diving. My son has had 15 ear infutions in the past year and most of the time still has fluid as well. The ENT told us the only fix is Tympanostomy tubes. Right now my son is 7 but has high hopes to become a diver when he is 10. Is there a diffrent treatment that wont put a hole in the ear drum? Are there lone turm problems after the tubes are removed with diving? Will he have problems with ruptures of the drum because it is weeken?