My partner suffered something similar. We have been diving for 5 months working on a boat in Turkey. The problem we had I think was too many repetitive shallow dives in a day. Going against all training we were doing around 8 try dives a day, so constantly stressing the tubes with equalising. He was finding it harder and harder to equalise, until on one dive he had a really sharp pain. When he came up he had a really loud whirring noise and like you could only hear himself talking, it was like living with an old man for a while. We saw an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist who said that it was his Eustachian tube, that connects the ear to the throat. This had become inflamed and basically I think it is stuck together. We have been told that he will need an operation to clear this, but tonight his ear popped for the first time, so I think that it would just clear up on its own. As we want to actually work as divers though he is going to get it looked at. My advice, if you can, get to an ENT specialist and explain what has happened.