OK, everybody, don't worry. I'm not seeking medical advice from random strangers online... I just thought you might be interested. (Or might suggest questions to ask my doctor... etc). BTW - The explanation of the initial problem was the message that started this thread. I guess the other purpose of these posts to help other people who are curious as to whether seeing an ENT is a good idea for them. (My vote so far is that is a good idea!)
Actually, while on the subject, this site (
Sinus CT Scan, Sinusitis - W. S. Tichenor, M. D. ) pretty much gave me a rundown on what I'm looking at in the pics - and it jives with what the doctor said.
Anyway, as we've guessed, I've definitely got issues. Surgery is the way to fix things (both polyp removal and fixing the deviated septum), but as the doc said to me, its not a life and death situation. I can breath and actually would not have ever gone to a doctor if not for the occasional trouble in my ear when flying or diving. He said I probably don't even realize how much better I could be breathing since I'm used to the way things are - but that if I'm comfortable then its not an urgent thing.
Anyway - I've got a full summer of diving planned, so we decided I'd just see how things go and let him know in a few months if I want to do anything else yet.
Truth is - I've pretty much got the flying issue resolved now (by experimenting with equalization techniques and over the counter drugs), and the diving is hit-or-miss but has never been bad enough to make me abort a dive.
Just thought you'd like and update. I'm also planning to try doc's proplugs and see if they help me at all.