I'm having sharp pains in my left ear that also give me a headache. It feels much like I'm getting hit on the side of the head with a baton and the pain eases. It's becoming more frequent and I'm afraid it's an ear infection. I have a doctors appointment next week but I have to run a marathon on monday. Any ideas? If so, any suggestions on what to do in the mean time? I'd rather mitigate this as much as possible because I don't want to be stuck out of the water for a month due to an infection!
Hi, sorry I'm late to answer this, but I might as well put my 2 cents in...
Most of the postings on this forum are very well intentioned, and I don't mean to sound condescending, but it is probably best not to recommend specific remedies without knowing what is going on in the ear. This is because the symptom "ear pain" can be a number of completely different things, which are all treated very differently, and have very different implications.
I know that doctors in general shy away from giving ANY advice online, and I certainly try to be an exception to that rule here (as you can see from my previous postings). But usually, advice is given against the background of some sort of objective information - such as a report of what was actually found on examination of the ear.
It has been my experience that even well trained general physicians can be very inexact and unsure when diagnosing ear disease, mainly because if they are not pediatricians, they probably haven't looked in a lot of ears. So while I am always happy to give advice, I would recommend that you have someone - preferably an ear, nose and throat doctor - take a look in your ear and try to sort out the different possibilities (e.g. swimmer's ear, middle ear infection, barotrauma, etc..) before just starting some sort of therapy.
And, just to be gloomy, not all middle ear infections will heal without an antibiotic, and in the days before antibiotics, complications of ear infections occasionally led to permanent deafness or even life threatening systemic infections such as meningitis. This is not to say that MOST of them won't heal without an antibiotic, but I wouldn't just assume that everything will eventually work itself out. Also, while mineral oil is good for some types of outer ear skin conditions, it can make a swimmer's ear (otitis externa, or a skin infection of the outer ear) even worse.
Finally, we should all note that the OP didn't even mention whether or not the symptoms had anything to do with diving! Always good to get some background. For example, if the pain came after a single brief descent and ascent during which there was difficulty equalizing, that would have different implications than if it came after a week of repetitive shallow diving or surfing...
In any case, the dialogue here is always great, and I don't mean to imply that only doctors have the right answers. It is terrific for divers to swap tricks and secrets for maintaining good health. But in cases like this, a little more information would be helpful...