E8-119 trim problems

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My wife and I both bought double E8-119's last year when we started getting into more advanced diving. Over the past year, we've dove a lot but have come to realize that we're having trim problems with the tanks.

When we get into the proper "tech" horizontal position with our feet up and behind us, we have a tendency to roll forward... not a pleasant feeling. To counter the problem, we've been diving with our bodies horizontal but our knees down a little bit, or being 10-20 degrees short of horizontal. This isn't proper style, and we want to fix the problem before it gets out of hand.

I remember reading last year about other divers experiencing the same problems with E8-119's. I've searched for the past half hour but I can't find information anywhere.

Does anyone have any advice for us as to how to fix the problem?

Yep, I also have dual E8-119's and experience the same difficulty.

What I've been told is that you can alleviate the problem by switching to a lighter-weight (AL) backplate and moving some weight down to your weightbelt.

I haven't tried this solution yet ... mainly due to the fact that a recent injury prevents me from diving doubles at the moment. But I will be as soon as that problem is resolved.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Try moving your tanks "down" in the bands. I wouldn't move too much - sometimes 1" is too much. Also, check your wing to see where its positioned. From the sounds of it, you'll want you wing attached using the lowest set of holes - thus providing you more wing behind your head.

Right now your head heavy, and you need to get the weight closer to its fulcrum, and more lift at the top of the tanks.

I haven't dove the 119's, but I've got my 130's dialed in quite nicely....

I use that tank as a single and it took some time to get it dialed in right. It is shorter than a 120 so has to be more spot on. I would imagine as a double you have even less of a margin for error. I just kept marking the tank and and moving it a quarter of an inch each time (my problem was the opposite of yours). I also heard the fat tanks cause more roll (rotational) probems but I havn't experienced that with a single. So, no magic suggestions except to mark each change till you find what works. Good Luck!
I also dive 119's as singles and had similar problems early-on. Center-of-Gravity management turns out to be a bit touchy with these tanks as others here have indicated, but not much more so than my 80's and they're great for my short frame both in terms of handling on the surface and balance in the water. Position is most important. Think I'm going to mark mine with a piece of duct tape in the proper strap position since the tanks will almost certainly last through several BC's.

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