DWDD Spectre 11/21

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Myrtle Beach, S.C.
# of dives
1000 - 2499
Hi All,

I'll be working on the Spectre on the 21th come & join me we haven't had a DWDD in awhile. Just call the Spectre direct at 805-483-6612 & book with them.

Hey Jim,
Is the Spectre putting on a dive this friday, A buddy and myself might be interested.
howdy, Bryan.... here is their link: CalBoat Diving Looks like the answer is yes.... wish I could make it this and next week but not going to happen.... but
I'm off the day after Thanksgiving so I'm looking at Friday the 28th...we'll see.
Hi Bryan,

It's John & yes their schedule shows they are going out but you might want to call & check with them.

John, wish I could.... the 4 letter word called "work" has our annual inventory so I'm working Thursday through Saturday 10-12 hour days....grrrrrrrrrr %$*&!
Thinking about Friday after Thanksgiving (the 28th)... are you working then???
This Friday is a little thing called, wedding aniversery.

Hhmmm, I could tell her we're going diving to celebrate. :eyebrow:

But that would result in either a :no:, a :rofl3: or :bonk:

better not risk it.
Hi Dave,

As of now no but things can change. Well I hope some of the BC's will join me.

there is a decent chance I can swing it. who all will be on the boat? I will need a dive buddy!

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