Do we know that exposure was the main cause?
Assuming that cold water was the main factor leading to the accident:
If the student wants to continue diving in colder climates it may not be a bad idea to introduce the concept of hypothermia early on.
However, the instructors should dive wet too in order to make the message more credible.
The idea of hypothermia can be learned in a book; teaching by allowing hypothermia is dumb and dangerous.
The instructor diving wet too doesnt just mean he gets to feel the cold too, but he also can get the confusion, disorientation, unconsciousness that the student can get too. Also dumb.
I dont care what climates you are diving in, just because the prevailing temps are colder doesnt mean you "tough it out." Instead, you should learn to use the proper exposure protection.
I was in the water and it was cold (painfully so at times), and a group of dry suit divers around me agreed that it was the worst time to be learning how to dive. Why introduce stupid machismo attitudes into a sport that is supposed to be fun?