Dunbar Villa/ Guanaja?

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Bellingham WA. USA
Hi! Has anyone been to the Dunbar Villa on Guanaja recently? If so how was your
stay? Also, was it difficult to get to from San Pedro Sula? What did you think of
Guanaja in general, and, of course, how was the diving? I'm looking for a spot
to go, at sort of the the last minute that has great diving but is off the beaten track.
Thank you for any help or advice you can give. Winenut.
I've seen it from the water, but never been ashore.

It looks fascinating: http://www.usdivetravel.com/R-HONDURAS-Nautilus.html

Off the beaten path would indeed be one way to describe it.

I would let their booking agents figure out your connections. Getting to Guanaja by anything other than the most time efficient way can burn 3+ days of your vacation.
There are a few daily flights from La Ceiba direct to Guanaja and I am positive you can get on the flight in San Pedro Sula. Check with Islenas (owned by www.taca.com). Other domestic airlines that may service the island are Sosa and Atlantic. It really is very easy and I am sure well worth it!

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