DUI Seals Configuration Help Needed

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los angeles,ca
Hi all,

I was just at the parking lot sale for DUI and ended up buying FLX extreme for $800(i dont know how old it is, but condition looked ok)

it originally came with zip seal so replacing new zip seal is free of charge for both neck and wrist.
it came with turboboots but it was way too big so i had to get it resized but went for socks+rock boots.

this is my first drysuit and i only have 80 logs(90% shore dives 10% casino point in catalina).

after some studies, it seems like DUI zip seal costs a lot and their dry gloves system is little inconvenient that you have to take off the whole upper part of the suit to use my hand. eventually i'm looking to get KUBI, Antares or other dry gloves that allows me to take off the gloves only.

because first zip seal is free, i was thinking of using it until it rips or gets damaged. Then get other brand's neck and wrist seals along with dry gloves. if i were to go this route, is there something i should know or do to make this transition easier? it seems like i have to use a heatgun to remove the old seal but does this have to be done regardless of what type of seal i get from DUI?

to simply put
1. is ZIP seal what DUI calls their seal? do i have a choice to get Non-zip seal and will this make easier to move to other brand's seals later on?
2. socks+rock boots good choice for 50% shore dive 50% boat dive?

any other advise will be greatly appreciated.

thank you!
The sleeve end of the zip seal is permanently attached to the suit. So far as I know, it's not compatible with anyone else's seals. However, you can reuse the zip seals for the gloves by replacing the gloves on the zip seal rings using regular gloves and glue, dramatically reducing the cost. If you have the old ones, you have the zip seal rings already. Order a set of seals from DRIS or NESS and attach them to the zip seal rings and you have a spare set. Otherwise, consider buying one spare set and doing it when you eventually need new seals to replace those on the first set.

I'm told the zip neck seal is much harder to reuse but never tried it.

I vastly prefer the socks and boots to the turbosoles. But this is sports equipment, so what works best for me might not work best for you.
Thanks TrimixToo, sorry for the ignorance but i have seen other people's review who has DUI drysuit but replaced with Antares dry Glvoes. based on your comment, seal(i'm guessing it's big rubber o ring on wrist) on my DUI cannot be removed but just need to be glued to other brand's gloves which is done by many people correct? and your recommendation for DRIS or NESS are other brands just like SiTECH ANTARES or KUBI right?
Plenty of people locally use both the zipseals and separate dry gloves which IMO is one of the benefits to the zipseals. They have their drygloves on one ring and if they want to use wetgloves they remove the ring that has the glove on it and put on a standard seal.
You can't go from zipseals to no zipseals. As was said, you can glue new gloves to the rings if need be. I personalyl only currently buy dui suits (eventhough my last custom suit was a nightmare and took 5 tries to get right) because of zipseals. I dive off the beaten path and it's nice to be able to quickly change over if a seal rips. I currently have sitech bottle neck seals glued onto zip rings. The sitech bottle necks are vastly superior to the dui seals which tend to be thin. Their drygloves are great. I have no issue with the zip system being difficult.

I personally went with socks and boots. It's a little more of a pain, but just take a look at people's turbosoles after a year or two.
my main concern is the cost of DUI zip seal's replacement. For now i think i will stick with DUI zip seal since it will come installed. i will probably buy third party dry gloves system like Kubi or Santi Magic Ring. thanks all!
While the seals are expensive, I do believe that they are worth the expense. However, going with a third party dry glove ring set is a good idea. The Kubi rings are awesome and easily fit on the zip seals.
Tug, my plan is to use my current DUI's zipseal until it rips, once it rips, i'm thinking of permanently install Kubi onto my sleeve by removing current zipseal then i believe i can buy any latex wrist seals to replace when it rips later. however DUI doesn't install third party rings onto their suit, so either i carefully do it on my own or find someone around my area who can do it. does this sound about right?
my main concern is the cost of DUI zip seal's replacement. For now i think i will stick with DUI zip seal since it will come installed. i will probably buy third party dry gloves system like Kubi or Santi Magic Ring. thanks all!

I'm not sure you're following me. Maybe this will help:

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