Marshall:I have chosen to purchase either a DUI CKX 450 or a DC Z-Flex. I would like to get some feedback on each. Also, I have heard different stories as to the zip seals on the DUI. Also, I have heard different comments on the DUI rock boots with regards beach dives (sand). Any comments would be helpful.
Thanks all.
I have a DUI CF200 with rock boots and zip seals (wrists only). I wasn't sure if I liked the rock boots initially, the way I look at it; it is an extra thing to put on, on a rocking boat. Now that I have been using them, I like them. I can see the issues with the sand, but the one thing the rock boots will offer over an integrated boot is support. The rock boot really supports your ankle, which is something you will need when tracking in the sand. I do like the zip seals and have not had any problems. As a matter of fact I will be out this weekend and make the first switch to the dry cloves; I'll let you know how it goes.
Thanks - Greg