? Drysuit Valve Assembly

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Can someone confirm / verify the proper assembly of SI Tech valves on my dry suit?

Is it external piece (vent or inflator) then "thin translucent ring", dry suit, then internal valve piece... or...

external piece, dry suit, "thin ring" (now within suit) then internal valve piece?

Furthermore, what is the correct orientation of the "thin translucent ring" (should the concave side face outwards or inwards?)

There seems to be some experience on the board about this.

My Bare XCD2 manual does not have this info.


It should be - external piece, dry suit, "thin ring" (now within suit) then internal valve piece. The external part of the valve needs to seal against the suit material to keep things leak free.

Plus the major function of the thin ring is to protect the suit material from friction when the inner piece of the valve is screwed on to the outer piece and tightened. So it needs to go between the inner piece of the valve (the part that is turned) and the suit material.

The thin ring is flat when new but takes on the concave appearance due to compression when assembled. I would re-install it concave side facing away from the suit material.

I guess having the valves misassembled would explain why undies at my left forearm and abdomen would be quite wet after my dives.

Funny thing is that they came from the Bare factory like that...

I'll report back after my next dive with the valves assembled properly.


I spoke to the Bare service people and they stated that the valves should be assembled as I described in my original post... with the ring on the exterior of the suit.

Being curious I did two dives to about 30 feet this past w/e with valves set-up as DA Aquamaster suggested...

I was no wetter / drier than with the previous set-up.

I'm going to use some McNett "Zip Care" liquid ?wax on my dry zipper's inner elements. I've always used the stick wax that came with the suit on the outer elements only.


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