Drysuit lube

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George Scherman

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I'm new to this drysuit biz. Getting my head thru the neck gasket feels like a baby whale birthing out of a mother seahorse. Is there any lubricant that is OK to use. I realize this query will leave me vulnerable to many jokers and double entendrists, but thats life.
Your neck seal is too tight man. You may have to trim it or even better get your LDS to trim for you, so you down have to replace it.
I use unscented talc powder. There are silcon based lubricants out there but I've heard that they shorten the life of the seals and I've always had good luck with talc. I would use KY jelly if you want to use something other than talc. It's water based and would better for the latex or neoprene.

I have to agree with Hyper............get that thing trimmed. They should have done this for you when you bought it your instructor should have helped you with it when you certified.

Unless your head is three times the normal size I'd say that is your problem. From your discribtion it sounds as though the seal should be very tight around your neck and you should have trouble breathing.

If I were you I would not go diving with it till you get it figured out.
I have no experience with neoprene seals if that is what you have. I have latex.

I have no problem holding the neck seal with my hands and stretching it while pulling it over my head. I use nothing there.

I use unscented talc for the wrist seals though others use KY Jelly.
I use unscented talc for the wrist seals though others use KY Jelly.

As silly as I feel pulling out the tube of KY (not to mention the jokes from my buddies- who are in wetsuits, of course) when I'm doing beach dives, I have to say that I love the stuff !! Makes for an easy on and easy off....
George Scherman:
I'm new to this drysuit biz. Getting my head thru the neck gasket feels like a baby whale birthing out of a mother seahorse. Is there any lubricant that is OK to use. I realize this query will leave me vulnerable to many jokers and double entendrists, but thats life.

If it is properly fitted, then use unscented baby powder, pure talcum, or corn starch.

If you use scented (or other methods) you can prematurely break down the rubber.

If it isn't properly fitted, get it corrected.
Neoprene seals are harder to get on than laytex since they stretch less. Either way unscented talc or ky (water based) "personal" lubricant.
Once you get your head through the hole, does it feel okay? It sounds like it's a little too tight for you. I use talc before each dive on all of my seals and I have no trouble getting the suit on.

Good luck,
Another vote for KY or the Walmart equivalent, about $2 less per tube

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