I had the luxury of both school of instructors at the same shop. I picked the method that I preferred. The one is a photographer who wants his hands for his camera as much as possible. He teaches to use the drysuit as it all that is required is to lift an elbow to vent and quickly tap the chest to add air.wolf eel:Why is your dry suit going to kill you ? :icon10: When I am working in shallow I only use my drysuit I do not even have a BCD on.
I just feel that if you have to compensate for two sources of air it just makes for error. I think anyhow.
Do they not teach you not to use your BCD with a drysuit at depth ? somehow I thought it was taught that way. Only to use your BCD at the surface.
Cheers :sunny
The other's favorite saying is that you spent good money for a BC. Use it for what it was designed for. As I like as little air as possible to form pockets in the suit, I tend to go more with this philosphy and vent the suit completely prior to final ascent (using the BC for control of my ascent). That means that shallow I have one source of buoyancy control. Deep, I don't have a choice but to use the drysuit more as adding enough air to fluff the undies and manage the squeeze will coincide neatly with what is required for buoyancy control.