Sounds like a good plan. Everybody learns differently, person best-suited (boom!) to know how well, how fast you take on new stuff, react to situations, multitask etc is only you.Thanks for the tips; I think I was rushing my way into drysuiting before I mastered wetsuiting! Going to take your advice and get my first round of gear in hand before hitting that cold water-
A little knowledge of human factors helps manage runaway situations like uncontrolled ascent. Managing workload is core, progressive learning and practice is usually the best fit (pow!) for most divers.
1, possibly 2 new things at a time is ok, 3 or more is asking for trouble. Proven time and again in so many different situations., thanks flying instructor from so long ago.
Well done for not getting any barotrauma btw, human instinct is to breath-hold in a situation, increased by mammalian dive reflex that's stronger in cold water.