drysuit and fins

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I just got a pair of Mares Avanti Quatro. I wanted a fin that had a wide foot pocket-but these are very wide-and I have a size 9 foot so the fin is just big enough. Here are my questions
1. Do you need a wider foot pocket for a dry suit boot??

2. Do the Mares tend to run wider and bigger than most fins?
I personally use two different size fins - one size for booties and another (larger) for drysuit.
Can't help you with the Mares as I don't use 'em.
I've used the same fins you talk about, and I beleive the pocket is bigger than others. Dry suit boots are bigger than wet suit booties, so you'll need a bigger fin pocket. Let me warn you off about those fins though. You can count on the quick release buckles coming off the fin itself. They'll go back on, but it's a pain when you're all suited up and ready to drop in. When they work, they're all right -- just be very carefull not to torque the buckles. As for the fin itself, they give a good kick.

Peare has used nothing but Mares Quattros for the past 7 years and loves them. AAMOF, he recently bought his 2nd pair.

He doesn't seem to need a different pair of fins for his wet suit vs dry suit. OTOH, until recently, I had a pair of fins for wet suit vs dry suit; but these were Plana Avantis, NOT Quattros. (I recently bought a pair of Dacor Tigers that seem to be able to accommodate both wet & dry boots with no problems.)

The only way to tell whether or not you'll need a different pair of fins with different exposure protections is to actually try them on with those boots. It's as individual as buying a pair of shoes! :)

BTW, Lost Yooper is the only one I have heard complaining about the Mares ABS fin clips. We have had several pairs of Mares fins with these, and experienced no problem whatsoever. In fact, we wound up re-tro fitting our former pairs of Mares fins with these fins clips, they were that good! Personally, I think LY just wound up with a bad set. :wink:


My drysuit boots were a bit more snug than the wetsuit booties, but I was able to get them in eventually.

As with all things of this nature, your mileage may vary.

Thanks to everyone for the replies!!!!!!!!!!

The Planar Avantis have an ENORMOUS foot pocket and I have to pull the strap all the way to the end but these fins make me scoot across the pool like I have propellers on my feet. I am hoping that I will be able to fit into a pair of drysuit boots-and after trying them on I think I will be able to do just that.

Thanks Again

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