Drying dry suit att. boots

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Ok.... got BOTH attached boots pretty soaked this weekend on a dry suit dive. I am pretty sure of the source of the leak--- now how best to get these boots dried out? I have turned the legs inside out as best as possible,,,,other tips?? The boots are attached to the legs. Thanks
I have a 8" long piece of 5" dia. white sewer pipe for each boot. Just turn the suit inside out and stick the pipe in around the ankle (where the material kind of collapses) to hold everything open. Don't put it in far enough to touch the bottom of the boot. Place the whole thing in a warm room and in 24 hours nice and dry. Cheap and effective, but mostly cheap.
Turn the suit inside out all the way down to the boots so air can get into the feet. They dry in a day or two in my basement. If you need a faster dry, do the same thing but prop the ankles open with something and lay the suit down on the floor with a fan.

To get the boots from wet to damp stuff the boots with newspaper for a few hours, then air dry as above.

Thanks for the tips guys!!
I turned mine as inside-out as they would go, arranged them sitting on the counter in a bathroom, and turned a 20 inch fan on them. They were dry all the way through the lining in about four hours. They didn't sour at all.

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