Dry Suit Comparison?

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Springfield, MO
I recently got to try out A DUI CLx450 at a demo here in Missouri and loved it! I am now looking at purchasing a dry suit. Are there any suits you all would reccomend that are less expensive, but fairly equal in quality?

Thanks for any help
I recently ordered a Northern Divers CNX from Bob3. Should be here any day now. Highly repected brand at an excellent price. I'll post actual "review" when I get it wet.

Overall, there are many good suits out there. One question for you, however, is are you an "off the rack" fit or do you need "made to measure"? If you are "off the rack", and you like DUI, go to their website and check out the used suit list (updated monthly, I think). If you need a custom fit, as I did, check out Northern Divers and Bob3 for some good prices. He also has good prices on off the rack suits as well. Best of luck.
I bought a Viking X-Treme from Bob3 too. The price was great and I had it in just a couple of days. I've only had it in the pool for the Drysuit class but so far so good. The instructors and TA's looked it over and said I got a good deal... and that's from people who get some pretty good discounts from the LDS.

I own and dive with the CLX-450. I would not trade it for any other dry suit made by anyone anywhere. Many instructors that I know who have always warn the CF-200 are dropping them in favor of the CLX-450. It’s a great suit.

I amazingly enough wear a DUI men's large off the rack size fairly well. I am not sure about exact fit of the suit but the only thing that was big was the waist.
Bob3 has a good selection of suits and is(was?) a commercial diver so he has lots of knowledge.......and plenty of opinions-especially with regards to Poseidon Cyclon regulators!!!!!!

tbg makes a good point about "fit" and getting "off the rack" instead of custom made-if possible.

Another suit that I have never seen - other than on the internet is the Oceanic Aeruda. It is inexpensive at Simplyscuba.com. It is made of Cordura which is like "flexible sheet metal" it's so strong and yet it's supple. The Aeruda looks to be made by Gates(I'm guessing) since Gates has a suit(CBX 450) that looks just like it but is more expensive. Cordura has no stretch to it but is exceptionaly hard wearing.

Here is another online store that has Nothern Diver CNX suits:


I don't know where they get their goofy looking models.

If you dive in cold water a dry suit is the best investment you can make. It's weird getting out of the water and being dry......but weird in a good way-not freezing cold.
Originally posted by bengiddins
Take a look at the Bare ATR-HD trilam suit made in Canada.

That's what I have... I love it.

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