dry gloves

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I've had better luck with the Viking rings, which are more like the quick rings. They can be slipped into the sleeves & will keep you dry without having to glue them in. They also allow the use of just about any kind of rubber glove. Here in the US we can get a military surplus chemical protective glove for $1/pair, normaly costing $20 if bought at the dive shop.
The Nordic Blues give good dexterity, but at the sacrifice of toughness.
It makes a difference what kind of diving you're doing, if you need maximum dexterity or not.
Personally I find the rings to be an annoyance.
Here's my favorite Swedish shop: http://www.dyk-brand.se/
They handle all the different cuff rings.
I previously used the DUI ring system on my DUI dry suit. It was very comfortable when diving during the winter in Sweden.

I now live in sothern California, and here I find the ring system to be more in the way than anything else.
I have therefore had DUI remove the ring system, and replaced them with regular military style latex cuffs. When I need dry gloves again, I will just use the normal model.


Anders :)
I use the glove and ring system from Diving Concepts. I find them to be very warm and dry and they can be installed or removed with out any modification to the suit. This way if you tare a glove at a dive sight, you can remove the rings and just use a pair of regular wet suit gloves to finish out the day. ……………Arduous


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