Dry Glove tear/wear prevention

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Reaction score
South Shore, MA
# of dives
200 - 499
I dive with a nice pair of "Diving Concepts" latex seal dry gloves, I bought them for winter diving, they are great (I use a straw to equalize them with my suit).

But, now that lobsters are starting to crawl around in my neck of the woods, my $100 gloves are starting to take a beating, but, I'm too spoiled to go back to wet gloves (at least untill the water is 60deg).

Anyone have any tips on how to protect my gloves? I've heard of people covering them aqualseal, and I was considering duct taping the fingers, is this a good idea?

Duct tape would make yer fingies too stiff; Aqua seal, well, try it out on a small section first to make sure it won't dissove your glove.

Depending on how bulky your gloves are, you may be able to squeeze them into a pair of knit Kevlar gloves.
Check out the glove section at: http://www.indsafety.com
We use the Powerflex for commercial bug harvesting.
Just go to the local commercial fishing supply house and buy several extra pairs of Atlas blue gloves... lined about $16, unlinded less...

Learn to change them out and you've got no worries...
Repair any holes with aqua seal mixed with cotol...

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