Dry Glove Question

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Belleville, ON
I have 2 questions, can I trim the excess blue glove material so that I don't get it caught in the coupling and the second question is how do I remove the rings from the drysuit and gloves? I have a fold in the glove ring and I can't get the ring out without wrecking the glove to fix it!

I have 2 questions, can I trim the excess blue glove material so that I don't get it caught in the coupling and the second question is how do I remove the rings from the drysuit and gloves? I have a fold in the glove ring and I can't get the ring out without wrecking the glove to fix it!


I have quite a bit of excess material on my blue gloves as well. I simply folded the blue material back inside the glove and it works fine. I don't think trimming it is a good idea because it looks like it will fray quite a bit.

Also to remove the ring, just take a blunt instrument (end of a car key or flat head screw driver will do). Push the ring slowly from the inside. Push on one side of the ring and then go to the opposite side and push from there. It will slowly wiggle out.

I had to do that to smooth out a wrinkle as well.

good luck.
I know this is an old thread, but this is the exact question I was about to ask.

I've only done about 6 with my Sitech gloves. First 3 dives they worked great, except there was much too much slack in the glove. So after dive 3 I moved the rings further up on the glove. Well every dive since I've had one of my gloves leak. The first 2 times I removed the glove and reinstalled, and dove, last time flooded my suit and had to bail.

I'm almost positive the excess glove is causing the problem, so I was thinking of cutting them. I can see your reasoning for not cutting it. Do you have the excess taped in place?

It just seems that folding it over every time you put the gloves on will be a royal PITA!
Make sure that the glove doesn't have a fold or crease anywhere around the ring or it will leak there. After you've done that cut the excess off. Buy uninsulated replacement gloves cheaply at www.seamar.com and get some of the $.79 per pair glove liners too. Makes it easier to put the gloves on the rings and you can more easily dry a separate line if need be.
Do the seamar gloves leak more than the latex sealed one. I also just had a slow gloveleak. When I cheacked it after the dive there was a small crease in the glove just under the ring. The latex sealed one was very easy to put on the OS ring by myself, the sea mar glove wound up being a two-man operation, and then leaked. There is a huge price difference.

It just seems like the seamar gloves aren't as 'fitted' to the rings, any pointers to putting them on properly?

My dive buddy put my rings really close to the end of the glove and that worked well for the one dive I've done in them. I put the gloves on then work the excess up my wrist and the rings slip nicely over top of the excess when they are locked. I also modified my liners by folding the wrist part into the glove and stitching it to keep it there so the glove comes only to the bottom edge of my palm. That keeps the excess liner from getting caught and causing a leak.

I'm a newbie to dry gloves (exactly one dive) so take this information with that in mind.

If also did a search for "trimming dry gloves" and "trim my dry gloves" (not in quotes) and in one of the thread there was a link to an old thread here that had some tips. Sorry since I use the Sitechs I didn't save the link.

I actually put the liners on before pulling my suit up, that way the are under my seals. The gloves seem to equalize much better that way than using those crappy little straws they com with.

The Scitechs actually use a hard plastic ring on the inside, not an o-ring, and the gloves fit pretty tight on it. No creases, and we could definitely see bubble coming from where the glove connected to the suit.

So I think before the weekend I'm going to have to do some trimming
The latex sealed one was very easy to put on the OS ring by myself, the sea mar glove wound up being a two-man operation, and then leaked. There is a huge price difference
The blue *Atlas* gloves are identical to the blue gloves that come with with Diving Concept rings. They are a standard in the fishing industry. If you work all of the folds and creases out the won't leak.

Yes, it is a two man job unless you use a fixture or a couple of finger clamps.

Last Saturday on our way to a dive site Shane told OE2X that he has gotten very good at doing it by himself so we let him change out OE2X gloves. Finally he gave up and together they got it done in minutes. :D
Uncle Pug:
Make sure that the glove doesn't have a fold or crease anywhere around the ring or it will leak there. After you've done that cut the excess off. Buy uninsulated replacement gloves cheaply at www.seamar.com and get some of the $.79 per pair glove liners too. Makes it easier to put the gloves on the rings and you can more easily dry a separate line if need be.

Hi Uncle Pug,

I found the Atlas gloves (model 495?) and they are 17$ each, but I couldnt find the .79$ liners, the only ones i saw were 5.77$ per pair? Could you either post or PM me the link to which you are looking at?
I am looking at getting the Bare ATR HD trilam drysuit with the attached dryglove rings, will these work well with this system as well?
Also, you said that its possible to self-don dry gloves possibly with a fixture. What would that look like? Ever seen one? Anyone sell them?

I've not dove dry yet so this is all new to me.

Here you go: [font=Comic Sans,Arial,Helvetica][size=-1][size=-1]ATS720[/size][/size][/font]. They cost >$6 If you wear a size large in the insulated version then you need an x-large in the uninsulated to have enough room for the liner.

The liners are probably not on the webpage. I live close enough that I go to the store and there are bins of gloves and liners to choose from. Just call them on the phone and tell them you want the green poly glove liners that are $.79 a pair. They are only wrist length and do not foul up the ring seal. They come in sm, med, lg. I use a medium liner with an x-large uninsulated glove.

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