Drowning in REGULATORS

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Dayton, Ohio
I finally made the decision to "Really" dive, no longer want to be a resort veteran. I'm finding that for my income bracket that i am being forced to purchase in stages. I have came to the conclusion that the most important item atleast in my opinion is the piece that you use to breath (regulator). Although im on a budget i will not chimp on the regulator because of price. That takes me to where i am now. I have read and read regulator reviews until I am confused. I want the best regulator that is suited for what i need it for. Money isnt the driving factor but i dont want to spend $700 if the best for what i need is only $500. I have read numerous threads on the topic and from what i can see it's all about preference. Can you all see my delima. I guess what im asking is for everyone to tell me that if i buy any top of the line regulator it will do me just fine. I want a regulator that will do "everything" 300', ice and nitrox. The ones im looking at are. ZEAGLE Envoy Deluxe, APEKS ATX200, Aqua Lung Titan Glacia. This will be my first regulator purchase so i have no brand loyalty. I just want the best suited regulator for the best possible price. In other words i want the same thing everyone else does, I just have no expierence in regulators.
I dive the eagle Envoy, DS-V1/zx with the Envoy octo. I am really happy had read a ton of reviews before hand (scuba lab #1 choice ) in its price category. It is rated for ,ice, nitrox etc. has lots of great features, and I find it breaths extremly well . If you shop around ie. Leisure pro you can find 1st&2nd stages for $299.00 and the envoy octo for $99.00.In my opinion for the money you would be hard pressed to find a better combo.

Good Luck Rich
Thanks Rich, I did some time there in GTMO (Navy) Was my first diving excursion. Just had to watch for the iguana's when you climb back up from the beach. Can you still get a fifth of Bacardi for $2? Enjoy
I think any of your choices would do the job, just have to find the right price. I do favor Aqua Lung as I know they work in all conditions and temps. We use them in the shop as student and rental regs which means they can take a lot of abuse and keep on delivering. Good Luck!
I can only speak to the Apeks regs as they're what I use.

I have 4 atx200's, and they're very nice regs. Having said that that, the DS4 1st stage and ATX (or TX) 50 is a very nice combination and is quite affordable.

I regularly dive DS4's in the 200+ range.
They're great in cold water (40F in Tahoe in the winter).
They're good for 40% nitrox.
I use O2 clean DS4's with 100% oxygen.

Regs are something that I would suggest buying from a dive shop rather than online. Apeks will pay for your parts kits at rebuild time (I believe for the lifetime of the reg) if you buy through an authorized dealer.
Thanks All, I was pretty sure that if i baught a top of the line from any of the top 3 regulator companies i would not go wrong. It's just nice to hear that from expierenced divers such as yourselves. Sorry for the ever common thread. Enjoy your dives see ya in the blue.
All good regs. These days I use Apeks myself and I'm pretty happy with them. Not sure if this is an issue for you, but have you considered servicing? Whichever reg you go with, don't forget that you need an LDS that can keep it tuned for you. It's a bit of an issue for me as the nearest shop is almost 300 km away.
I don't know how this will go over with most divers and im not even real sure if I will be in need of special high dollar equipment but my plan is to get qualified to service my own gear. Kinda like a skydiver packing his own chute. All i want to need is the service kits themselves. Maybe someone out here can give a little insight to me being able to service my own gear.
well another for the apeks I use the atx 200 . on word you going to have trouble getting rebuild lits , hear why the scuba industry want only there techs to have them other than attending one of there repair courses and then getting attached to a shop will most sell you there kits. but yes it is nice to now how to fix and rebuild your own did my this week .

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